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So I kind of hate this. I like the first part up to a certain point, and then reflecting on it, I don't like some of the ending that much.

But I really kind of hate the entire part I made for Civil War. I rushed through it because I watched Age of Ultron for the first time while writing it (I skipped it my first watch and Googled a summary, I know it's bad) and I saw the small little family dynamic during the scenes at Clint's house and said "awww, now I need to write a story about the mc being an Avenger" and I got super excited for that and rushed through the Civil War portion of this so I could start writing the other one (I'm actually so in love with it and im writing the epilogue for the End Game act).

So the entire next part of this that's gonna be posted sucks ass (to me, at least, there's plot holes and inconsistencies everywhere). So feel free to shit on it because I know it sucks and I hate it. And if you like it, good for you.

I know I really love the story. I'm going to be posting next once it's finished (same update day). So if you don't read the second part of this, but you liked the first part, you most likely will like the next story I'll start posting after I finish the second part of this. I'll probably do double updates from now on to speed up the process of finishing this so I can start posting that.

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