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She reaches into her bag, pulling out her pump shotgun and loading it. She lets out a few shots at the guy, all of them hitting his suit and doing nothing.

"Fuck this."

He was dressed as a cat. In a metal suit. With claws. And he was going after her boyfriend. She runs behind a box on the roof, sneaking around and jumping on him from behind, trying to pull off his mask or do damage.

He tosses her to the side and she bangs her forehead on the roof, banging her nose a bit as she does.

She rubs her nose, trying to push herself up, unsuccessfully. All she can do is watch the fight.

She starts shooting at the cat guy again, just to try and distract him. Something flying takes out a helicopter, and she groans. Just another person trying to kill her, maybe. Or him.

Bucky kicks the cat-guy off of him, grabbing his bag and running. He pulls her up, hoping that's enough, and runs to the side of the building, sliding down followed by the cat-guy.

Steve helps her down the building and she runs after them as best she can, not getting very far before she's pulled down by the flying dude.

She struggles until she realizes he's pulling her towards Bucky and Steve and the cat-guy and stops. She gets dropped and starts running, using the momentum from the drop to her advantage, making her faster, even with her broken ribs and limited movement.

Steve steals a car and she quickly jumps on the back of it before he drives away, pulling her gun back out.

She starts shooting at the cat guy. It doesn't work, as she knew, and Steve yells to her to stop.

"Got any better ideas?"

There's no answer. The cat guy jumps onto the car next to her, and she starts kicking at him.

"Asshole, get off!"

She kicks as hard as she can, none of them doing anything to affect him. She hears sirens behind her, seeing the white cars and the red and blue lights.

She might as well just jump now. Steve veers the car to the side, almost throwing Diane into one of the police cars.


He crashes the car into barrels and she has to get off, hobbling after Bucky. If only he'd slow down, or if only cat-guy didn't punt her on that roof.

Bucky takes a motorcycle from someone, swinging onto it and driving off.

"God dammit, Buck!"

She catches up to Steves car again, grabbing onto the passenger side. She hits the window with the hilt of her gum, yelling through the window, "I fucking hate this."

The car drives after Bucky, the cat-guy seems to have gotten a slick idea, and Steve yells back, "Neither do I."

Cat-guy gets on top of the car and she shoots at his feet. Doing nothing but wasting ammo. He jumps over the front of the car, grabbing onto Bucky, who only turns and grabs cat-guy by the throat.

It veers the motorcycle and Bucky has to run his hand on the concrete, creating a nails on chalkboard sound, "Bucky you'll ruin it!"

He pushes cat-guy off, straightening the motorcycle, releasing a relieved breath from Diane. That flying guy from earlier swoops back in, taking on cat-guy.

"Animal vs. Animal."

Bucky throws a leftover weapon from when they were in the tents a few years ago at the top of the tunnel, causing an explosion, causing Diane to lose her sighs of him.

"Idiot, you fucking idiot."

There's a tumble and the car veers, sending her against the wall. She makes a noise between a scream and a groan, hearing it echo around the tunnel.

She recovers as quick as she can, pushing herself up and running out of the tunnel through the rubble, looking for him.

The car is spinning and Steve is running after him, and she struggles to catch up. Steve tackles the cat-guy, giving her the time to catch up and duck behind something, pulling out her knife, readying to throw it at cat-guy.

It won't do much, but when she does, he stumbles. She runs over to Bucky, pulling him up, sitting on the ground in his area, closer to Steves feet.

Cop cars surround them, and some random guy in a grey metal suit points his... hands at them?

She stands just as he speaks, "Stand down, now."

He makes a comment towards Rogers and she gets pushed to the ground, painfully. Her ankle twists a bit and her chest hits the ground, "I was just down here, come on."

She looks at Bucky. The fucking face. The same face from before they actually started talking. She worked so hard, and it all was for nothing.

One stupid blonde messed the entire thing up.


A/N - hurting her again!!! 😭😭 I just wanna be done with this piece of shit project omfg

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