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Who is she supposed to help? With Buckys arm and his mindset he's perfectly okay, even against Indestructible King Man. Steve is, well, Steve. She can't help Wanda or Sam, they both can fly and Wanda has her own thing going on, working in her favor. Clint has his millions of arrows that can do mostly everything.

She decides to help Steve. Yes, he's Steve, but he's reliant on his shield. Diane has guns and decades worth of training in hand to hand combat.

As Diane thought, Steve's shield is quickly taken and his legs bound briefly. He's thrown into a wall and his hands are grabbed by the child's webs.

Steve quickly recovers, taking the webs and throwing the kid around with them. Steve traps the kid under a tunnel typically used to travel from airport to plane.

She didn't actually do any helping. But, when Steve walks away, she walks up to the kid.

"How old even are you?"

"I'm 16."

"Jesus Christ, how influencable are you?"

"Not at all."



"Okay. Peter, anyone is influencable. There are countless things I could tell you and you'd probably believe them."

"I'm not gullible."

"Mhm, mhm."

"What are even doing in school, anyway? Slope? That a high-school thing, right?"

"That's middle school, they aren't even close!"

"Pretty close."

Diane was enjoying seeing him get irritated.

"Stop messing with the kid and help, Diane."

"I am helping, I'm keeping him distracted. Besides I wasn't able to help before, anyway. All of you guys have some stupid power or something, what am I supposed to do with a pump shotgun and broken ribs?"



There isn't an answer, just a crash behind her and a kick to her back. The kid.

She falls to the ground, quickly turning and shooting in front of her blindly. She got the webs, which was good. There's talking on the radio between her side, but she isn't listening.

She's trying not to get stuck to the ground but also trying to not kill this 16 year old kid.

There's a loud noise and both her and Peter's attention is turned to the giant man standing there.


"Holy shit!"

Peter runs to help the people on his side and she runs to meet Bucky. She's not being useful in the fight, so she might as well run with Steve and Bucky to help get them to the Quinjet.

"Something just flew in me!"


Steve shrugs, still running. Vision destroys a tower, sending it toppling towards them. Wanda stops it, allowing the three of them to run under it. But, Rhodey does something that messes with Wanda.

Diane breaks apart from Bucky and Steve, shooting at Rhodey so he loses focus. He starts shooting at her, which has Wanda start to help her. They work together, shooting at Rhodey and controlling him.

If he moved out of the way of one of Diane's shots, Wanda would push back into it.

Eventually, Rhodey gives up on them and focuses on Lang. With the combination of whatever Rhodey did to her and the use of her powers immediately after had drained Wanda.

She was sitting on the ground, which made Diane run over to her, putting a hand on her back.

"You okay?"

Wanda nods, "Are you sure that you're okay?"

Wanda nods again, but Diane, not convinced, moves from her kneeling position to a seated one, right next to Wanda.

"I wasn't much help, anyway."

Eventually, Vision floats over. Diane ups her guard but doesn't stop him. His current objective seems to be passive, and that's proven when he gently takes Wanda in his arms.

There's a quick exchange before Vision gets told something and shoots his lazer thing at Sam.

Sam quickly dodges it, the lazer hitting Rhodey and sending him plummeting to the ground.

Vision gives Diane a glance, somewhat pleading, and then releases Wanda. That's when Diane understands. She scoots over to Wanda, taking Wanda in her arms and helping her up. Vision sees this and flies away, seeing that Wanda is in good hands.

"Come on, Wanda."

"How bad do you think it is? Whatever happened."

"I don't know. It seems pretty bad, though."


A/N - forget what I said Diane and Wanda are gonna be besties 4 lyfe. Sorry about the late update to anyone reading (it's almost Sunday not Saturday), I slept through the alarm I set and forgot about it. I had one of those wake up "holy shit I had homework and school is in 5 hours" moments

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