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They separated. Diane was in an armored jeep, and he was on his motorcycle. They were on the freeway, tailing a car with Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Jasper Sitwell, and Sam Wilson in it.

Jasper was there involuntarily, of course. It didn't matter, though, because in mere seconds, he was pulled out of the car and thrown onto the freeway.

Whoever was driving slammed on the breaks, sending him flying onto the road. He recovered, skidding across the pavement with the screeching sound of shaving metal.

She goes to get out of the car herself and help, but is ordered to sit back down. Although aggravated, Diane silently sits back down, remaining her composure.

Her car rams into the back of theirs, pushing it forward towards him. In response, he swings himself onto the roof.

She can barely see what's happening from the back seat without leaning, which would get her chastised and punished later. She knows she should probably be worried, wanting nothing more than to be able to jump out of the Jeep and help him. But that, too, would have her chastised.

She sees him reach into the car, and then a steering wheel flies around towards the Jeep. There's a few moments of nothing before he runs to jump on the hood of the Jeep.

She lets out a relieved breath, seeing him hanging onto the Jeep, which is speeding after the other car.

After multiple slight crashes, the three of them go skidding out of the car on Steve's shield. Sam separates from the two of them rolling away from the shield across the cement.

Two soldiers get out of the Jeep, handing him a grenade launcher. Diane goes to leave the car again, but a hand is held up, telling her to wait.

It's not a no.

He shoots at Steve and Natasha, hitting the shield and sending Steve flying off the bridge. There's the distant sound of car horns, breaking glass, and skidding tires, and she looks at the driver.


Finally. She pulls out extra ammo, an extra handgun, and jumps out of the car. She takes her bag, just in case. There's rapid fire at random cars where Natasha and Sam were hiding behind.

Natasha shoots at him, and in response, he shoots at her, causing her to dive away from the explosion onto the opposite side, where cars were driving towards her. Diane watches Natasha do front rolls in front of the cars, rolling her eyes.

The car she was behind gets shot at by him again, sending her flying from the bridge and down onto the road below, joining Steve.

He is handed a new gun, something that looks like an AR-15. Diane doesn't know
prefers smaller or more impactful guns. Pistols, revolvers, and shotguns were her fortè.

He stands at the edge of the bridge, aiming down at the street, looking for her. He gets distracted, earning him a shot in the eye, bounding off of his goggles. He ducks behind the border on the bridge, and she runs to the bridge near him.

He pulls off his goggles, looking blankly in front of him. Just before he gets up, she jumps up and starts shooting at Natasha. Her pistol has no chance of actually hitting her, but she still shot at her anyway. At most it might distract her, opening up opportunities for him to actually hit her.

She hears a curse below her, followed by a screamed, "There's another one!"

She ducks back under, trading spaces with him. He starts rapidly shooting around and she hears a shot from elsewhere and he ducks down again. He's pissed.

He keeps bouncing up and down, shooting and ducking, shooting and ducking. He stops, and she assumes Natasha has moved positions.

He jumps down onto the road and Diane curses, standing up, seeing Natasha and a quicker path to her.

She runs to the side, jumping from the bridge to a bus and down to the sidewalk, sprinting after Natasha.

Natasha keeps running, and she keeps up far steps following her. Natasha weaves between cars, eventually getting shot in the shoulder and ducking behind a car.

Diane stops at a truck, hiding behind the bed of it. Just as she's about to stand and shoot, he takes the chance to hop onto a car.

That chance is interrupted by Steve, who runs at him, blocking a punch from his metal arm with his shield. He now lay on the roof of the car while Steve recovers to run at him, aiming the gun and forgetting about Natasha.

Diane sighs, letting him deal with Steve and deciding to handle Natasha herself. This prevents Natasha from getting to him while he's distracted and also makes it so that they have less people to deal with later.

She runs to hide behind a different car, peeking from under it to find Natasha's feet and legs. When she sees her, she crawls under the car, grabbing her ankle and pulling her down.

She gets out from under the car, only to be pulled back to the ground by her ankle, jamming her nose on the concrete.

She curses, jerking her ankle away. She wipes the solid flow of blood, kicking Natasha so she falls onto her back, getting on top of her and pressing a finger inside the bullet wound.

She leaves the area, jumping on top of one of the many busses that had crashed. She sees him and Steve still fighting, except he was holding Steve's shield, which is swiftly thrown at Steve, embedding itself in a van.

She wiped the blood from her broken nose again, watching a slightly unfair fight. A supersoldier vs a trained assassin with a knife and a fully functioning mechanical arm.

After multiple punches and blocks, Steve kicks him into a car, the knife flying to the side. Steve knees him in the chest, pressing him harshly against a truck. She starts to get up and jump off the truck. She knows he can hold his own, but she still worries. At least until Steve attempts a punch, which is effortlessly blocked by his silver arm.

A few more punches and Steve is being strangled by the same silver arm, grabbing at it with a scrunched up expression. He throws him backwards over the hood of a car, jumping after him and punching a missed shot at the ground, causing a fist sized indent in the pavement.

There are more punches and blocks and twists and stumbles, and Steve gets pushed against another car. He pulls a knife out, attempting to stab Steve, but his wrist gets grabbed and they skid across the van's side.

Steve pushes him to the ground, and she starts to move again but is pulled backwards by her hair.

"You bitch," she pushes her back, rolling to her stomach and pushing Natasha off the bus. As she's about to pull out her gun and start shooting at Natasha, she hears a few questionable sounds and looks at him and Steve.

His mask in on the ground.


She curses as he stares at Steve, "Who the hell is Bucky?"

Just as she's about to react, she gets yanked to the ground.

"Just," a few punches and a harsh hit with the but of her gun, "give," a few more punches and her head getting bashed against a car, "up." She pulls out a knife, pressing the hilt into her bullet wound.

Natasha barely reacts, instead pushing on Diane's nose with the heel of her palm. She lets out a screeched groan, punching her in the side of her stomach.

She's able to get away, and the next thing she sees in a grenade fly towards Bucky. She curses and runs towards him, knowing that would be the ideal time for them to get away, hidden by the smoke and fire.


A/N - I actually really like this chapter. Writing this before the editing process: I need to change a lot of the "she" in this chapter to "Diane." I never include names of the mc and it's horrid. Finally using Bucky instead of him 🙏🏻  I've not used his name on purpose. It's a stupid reason but I did it anyway.

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