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"Hey, I'm going to the store. Anything you want me to get?"

He thinks for a moment before shaking his head, "Nope, I'm good."

She nods, kissing him on the cheek and grabbing her purse, "I'll be back."

He nods, and she leaves, going down the stairs and walking to the stalls near the apartment.


She walks up the stairs, two bags in one hand, two more in her other. There was a bag held between her teeth, as well, with the lighter things in it.

She bangs on the door with her elbow, yelling through her teeth, "Can you open this for me, please?"

A few seconds later, the door opens, and Bucky takes the bag from her teeth and two from one of her hands. They walk in and place the bags on the counter.

She takes the milk out of one of the bags, putting it in the fridge.

"I think that's the only thing that needs to be cold."

They put the rest of the groceries away, stepping around eachother quickly. They've lived together long enough and learned eachothers bodies enough to know every mannerism and sudden movement possible.

"You didn't get much fruit."

"You should've told me to get fruit, then, and I would've gotten more."

He hums and kisses her forehead, "I'll remember than next time."

"I'll go out and you more fruit if you want."

He shakes his head, "No."

He kisses her forehead again, reaching for an apple. He takes a bite or two, handing it to her. She takes a bite and hands it back, leaning against the counter, his body caging her in place.

"I was able to get more newspaper. And tape. Enough for the window, maybe half of one of the doors."

He nods, "Good."

She shakes her head, turning and picking at a chipping tile behind the sink, muttering, "Somewhere we can make nice."

"Right." His hand rests on her shoulder, "Where's that newspaper?"

She reaches for her purse, pulling out two newspapers and unfolding them, pulling each sheet out.

"You take the window, I'll get a door."

They both tape up the newspaper. They had enough to cover a bit of the second door, too.

"We could paint it? Make it look nicer."

He shakes his head, "It'd fall apart. We'll figure something out. I promise."

"Can I braid your hair? You can think of something while I braid your hair. Come on- no, don't look at me like that, come on!"


"You said I could braid your hair before we even got to Germany. You have to let me, at least once, come on."

That night, Bucky fell asleep with his hair braided, and Diane fell asleep in his arms, with her head on his chest, a satisfied smile on her face.


"I'm gonna go buy us some fruit, I'll be back."

Diane sits up in bed, holding the sheet to her chest, "Why do you like fruit so much?"

"It tastes good." He grabs her wallet from her purse, putting on a hat and stopping at the door.


"See you later." She smiles as he leaves, laying back on the bed once he's out the door.

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