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As it turns out, he was following HYDRA soldiers, and she was following him.

Her backpack was heavily stuffed. She had a few pistols, and she somehow managed to stuff a pump shotgun inside as well.

She had as much ammo as she could pack, and each soldier had their own pockets full of ammo if she needed it, along with their own guns.

They had him attempt to kill Nick Fury. Whether it worked, they don't know. But now they have to keep themselves as far away from their base as they can.

If someone were to go looking for him, they needed to be somewhere that no one would look.

They had multiple tents. One for him, one for her, and a few for the soldiers they were with.

She only had what she packed in her bag, which was guns and ammo. She had one outfit and no products for hygiene. Which roughly means there isn't a chance of her being able to romance anyone as a distraction.

While he was fleeing, he apparently got caught. By Steve Rogers. Captain Fucking America.

They had a plan. They would hide out until they could make an attack, in which they would return to base after the fact, hopefully having gotten rid of who they needed to.

Apparently, the soldiers had packed cosmetics for her. She had 2 separate missions to fill her time while they waited.

1. Capture S.H.I.E.L.D intel from a corporate office, undercover, as expected.

2. Capture intel on a wealthy business man who runs said corporate office.

She had dresses, heels, hair pins, makeup, brushes, combs, nail polish. Anything she could ever need to make her look the way she was supposed to.

She was handed a folder with all the information they had on him. Richard Lawson. Somewhat handsome.

Strong eyebrows, sharp cheekbones, strong jaw. Brown, cropped and styled hair. Semi-thin lips, a deep shade of pink. She reads through the file.

Basic information. His likes, dislikes, things she should take into account while trying to attract him. She thought, for a few seconds, about why she doesn't have the same things he does.

She doesn't have a set of words to return her to an obedient state. She doesn't have the same rules he does. She isn't held to the same standards.

She brushes it off, thinking it's probably to do with the fact she needs to seem human. More human than he does, at least.


A/N - sorry, this chapter is short. I just needed a filler to introduce the subplots for the literal HOUR of plot without Bucky in it.

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