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She got the intel and went back to camp. She hadn't gotten much, but when she gave it to the soldiers, they seemed satisfied.

So satisfied that they came to her tent while she was dressing.

"Ihre Mission hat sich geändert."

She turns, holding a shirt over her chest. She waits for them to continue, to tell her just how much it had changed.

"Töte ihn."

Just as much as she expected to. The information she had gathered was enough. Now she was to get rid of him. So he can't tell anyone she wasn't who she said she was.

It should be easy.


The next day, he invites her with him after work. His house, this time. She went. With a suppressed pistol in her purse.

When she got there, she greeted him as normal. They had a few drinks and talked for a few hours. Then, she closed the blinds in his bedroom and pushed him onto the bed.

Acted as if she was going to do something he'd like. Instead, she pulled out the pistol.

"Shame. I really liked you."

His surprise gave her enough time to shoot him. She wipes the splatter from her face, walking out with her purse and anything that had her prints on it.

She returns to camp, washes the blood off herself, and changes her clothes. It's in the news the next morning.

Businessman Richard Lawson Shot in Home

The next day, they were moving again.


A/N - actually happy I've rid myself of this man. Sorry it's short, I know for a FACT that the next chapter makes up for it in length. And content, I really like what I wrote for the next chapter.

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