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A slim, red dress halfway down her thighs. Tights and black pumps. Makeup and a loose bun.

Not too formal, just enough for a new secretary at a corporate building.

Get in, get files, and get out. Sleep with him if you have to, steal his information. Nothing she hasn't done before.

Diane walks out of her tent, holding the dress up, "I need help with the zipper."

One of the soldiers guarding her tent nods, and she turns around. She can hear the zipper and feel the dress tighten around her.

"Thank you."

She walks back inside, touching up her makeup and grabbing her purse. All that was in it was her fake ID, passport, drivers license, and a few other documents she might need. All under her newest fake persona, Eleanor Riley. Her phone and some products to keep her clean throughout the day, like a mini deodorant, perfume. Any other andom junk, just to make it seem used.

She walks out of the tent completely, her heels digging into the grass and dirt, making it her stumble around and make holes in the ground.

They were camped in an abandoned campground. There were trees surrounding each tent, creating a barrier between them. Because of this, they had the soldiers take shifts guarding Diane and his tent to keep them from escaping. Her soldiers spoke German, her strongest language, and his spoke Romanian.

Their cars and trucks are in the empty parking lot. They had an SUV there for her to drive so that she had something to match her character, the rest of the cars being black, armored jeeps, and trucks with beds full of guns and ammo.

One of Diane's guards is standing by the SUV, and he hands her the keys. She unlocks the car, thanks him, and gets inside. She puts her purse on her lap, pulling out the paper instructions. She stares at them while putting her purse aside.


She rings the buzzer outside, waiting to be let in.

"Who is this?"

She looks for the camera, smiling, "I'm Eleanor Riley, the new receptionist for the 5th floor."

There's a beep and the door unlocks, so she walks inside. She's given papers, work instructions, and directions to the 5th floor. She gets lost and has to go back down where the front secretary leads her to her desk.

"Feel free to decorate it however you want. We don't really care about that. All the files are in these cabinets. Alphabetical order. The drawers are locked, and the key won't be given to you until you've proved you can be trusted."


The woman leaves the room, and she sits at the desk. She looks at the computers, the cups of utensils. It was bland. And too normal. She'd be out of here soon enough. They only had an estimated few days before they would attack Rogers.

There's a buzzing on the phone next to her, and she looks at the different buttons. She presses one, and a voice comes through.

It was a man's voice. It was deep and gruff, scratchy as if the man was losing it. "My office, please. It's just down the hall through the doors."

The message, whatever it was, ended as abruptly as it had started. She gets up, smooths her dress on her thighs, and messes with her hair, walking swiftly down the hall to the office aforementioned.

"Hello," he looks up from the papers when she comes in. "I'm Eleanor, I don't think we've met."

He smiles, standing. He rounds his desk, extending a hand.

"I'm Richard."

She takes his hand, shaking it, waiting for him to let go. He doesn't. His hand lingers on hers for a few seconds, holding her in place.

"Well, I guess we'll have to get a drink sometime. I like to know my employees personally."

She nods, lessening her smile a bit. This is the perfect opportunity to get romantic. Sleep with him. Gain his trust. Get that key. Get the information.

"Is tonight alright?"


A/N - all I can picture is the devil wears Prada, but it's a man instead of Meryl Streep

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