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She spent the next few hours talking to him with her head on his chest, pretending to have enjoyed her time with him.

She went home before the sun rose that day, changing her outfit, fixing her makeup, and putting on deodorant.

She went to work as normal, pretended nothing had happened between them.

But that day, she got the key to the filing cabinet.


He went home early, and she said she wanted to log in some extra hours and get used to the setup of her new office space. The rest of the workers left, leaving her in the office alone with the cameras.

The cameras she disarmed in seconds.

She quickly unlocked the filing cabinet drawers, searching for the names she was told to look for.

12 files. Which she stole and put in her purse. She locks the drawers, travels back to camp, and gives the files to the soldiers.


The next morning, she went to work, pretended all the files were there, and went home with her boss again. She slept with him, got information out of him, and stole some things from his desk she though would help.

A few hard drives and a computer chip.

He didn't notice they went missing. Or he did, and he didn't want to say anything.

The next morning, he flirted with her at work. He gave her tips for the job, and he treated her like a toy. Not an employee.

This was good, however. She could use this.


"I brought you coffee," she smiles, placing it on his desk.

He thanks her and waves her over, "Could you take a look at this for me?"

He points to something on his desk, and she bends over, reading off the file. His hand is placed on the small of her back and slowly moves toward her rear, where it stays until she stands. His eyes are trained on her cleavage.

He drank his coffee. The other girls at the office made fun of her. Said it wouldn't last. They were right. She'd get the order to kill him eventually, and then she'd disappear. Eleanor Riley, the new secretary, missing after the man in her secret relationship was murdered.


A/N - another short chapter. Sorry about it. But this is the third chapter you got today so suck it the fuck up. If anyone's reading this ily ☺️☺️

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