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When Diane gets back to headquarters, she walks inside, still in her dress, her hair messy, and her makeup slightly smudged.

She goes to her shitty quarters first. A cell with a hay cot on a metal frame, cement walls, and no windows. A dresser in the corner with a mirror on it. Makeup all over the top of it, a drawer open.

She pulls out her more traditional uniform, one she wears when she isn't trying to seduce anyone.

Jeans, a t-shirt, a gun holster on her thigh, knee pads, and boots. She brushes through her hair, pulling it back into a ponytail.

She goes through every hallway, looking for where she's supposed to be. After 3 hallways, she gets called inside.

She sees him standing in the corner. Not sitting, not talking. Just standing there, by the window, in complete silence. The man in front of her has a somewhat aggravated look on his face, his arms crossed.

"They know he's here."

She srqightens, staring at him. That's why the air was so tense.

The rest of the small, three person meeting lasted half an hour after that. Mainly getting shouted at for compromising their confidentiality.

When they're both released, she nods to the commander and walks out, her posture as perfect as she needed it to be. She walks back to her room in silence, him walking next to her.

The most important ducks were in a row.

Finally, through gritted teeth, she silently said, "What did you do?"

There was no answer, just a glance in her direction. Any humility would be ticked off as noncompliance, and they would both get subsequently punished for it. 'Set straight for their wrongdoings,' as it was commonly put.

They continue walking in silence until she reaches her room, in which she slips inside and nods goodbye to him.

She takes a moment to collect her thoughts and then closes the door behind her. She takes the gun out of her holster, placing it on her dresser in the corner and getting herself ready for lights out.

She brushes her hair and changes her clothes again. She wipes the remaining makeup off her face in front of her small mirror, making sure her face is completely clean.

She goes to the nearest bathroom and brushes her teeth, pulling her hair back into a bun, then returns to her room and lays on her cot, waiting until the lights turn off.

The next morning, she's instructed to pack her guns and go with him.


A/N - kind of rushed because I hate this part of the script before Bucky is actually a major part of the movie, like after Fury "dies"

I also know that literally nobody is reading this, but I like writing, so I'm posting it anyway. It's shit writing, but I'd rather have it POSSIBLY get read than just sit in my notes app for years

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