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They're leaving. And headed for wherever it is Steve and his trio are.

And she can't help but notice how even though he's following orders, he looks at her differently. The same way he looked at her in the tent. And at the river.


Apparently, Steve was trying to disable something that HYDRA really wanted to launch. And they couldn't have that.

Bucky was going after Steve, and she wanted a bit of revenge on Natasha. Her nose really fucking hurt.

But, no one knew where she was. There was something going on in a building regarding Pierce, and she might check that out. Sam was getting taken care of and Bucky was helping. He'd be on his way to Steve sometime.

She enters the building, walking to the elevator. People recognized her, and she shot them. She was in the elevator alone, and she ascended alone.

Her back hurt. She probably opened the scab while walking or when she was shooting at people, moving her arm and jolting it back.

When she got to the office, Fury was there. And Natasha. The three of them were watching the helicarriers.

It didn't look good. Not for Bucky. Or Steve, or Sam. But not for Bucky. It was flaming. Still in the air, but flaming.

Diane's worried. Pierce leads Natasha away from the window. He says she's to get him out of the building alive.

Fury and Pierce are arguing, and she's hiding behind a wall, trying to stay hidden.

Natasha shocks herself, falling to the ground, thus soiling Pierce's plan to leave.

Fury takes this opportunity to shoot him. He falls against the glass monitor, breaking it with a crash and falling to the floor where he slowly dies.

Fury shakes Natasha, hoping the shock didn't kill her, saying her name. She opens her eyes, groans, and rests her head down on the floor. Fury helps her up and then leaves, Natasha attempting to follow him.

Fury rounds a corner before Natasha makes it, and Diane takes the chance to pull Natasha back and slam her against the ground.

"You broke my fucking nose."

She punches Natasha enough times for her nose to bee bloodied a bit and stands.

"Now we're even."

She walks away without Natasha, into the hallway and to the stairs. Her gun was in her holster again. The holster was unclipped, easy for her to pull the gun out quickly.

She's still going down the stairs when she gets pushed forward by Natasha, falling onto a platform between two flights of stairs.

Diane gets flipped onto her back, ouch, and punched a few times, her nose breaking again in the process. Her eyes water and she pushes Natasha off of her, trying to process the pain without screaming.

"I let you live just now! I have a gun and I didn't shoot you, what the fuck was all that for?"

Natasha wipes the blood from her nose, "You should've just killed me."

Natasha runs at her, and she sidesteps, Natasha slamming into the wall.

Diane wipes her nose, giving Natasha enough time to tackle her to the ground. She groans, flipping over and kneeing Natasha in the stomach.

"Let me go," she smashes their foreheads together, not realizing that in the tackle her gun had fallen from the holster, which she never clipped again.

She's dazed for a moment, but Diane quickly recovers and pushes Natasha to the side, running down the steps. She really didn't want to kill her.

As she's running, she hears a gunshot, and there's a stinging feeling in her side. She stops, pressing her hand to her side. When she pulls it away, she sees blood. Her blood. Drawn from her own gun.

"What the hell?"

Natasha wipes her nose again, dropping the gun at her feet.

"You done, now?"

Natasha nods, which gives Diane the approval she needs to keep walking down the stairs. Hobbling, more like it.


When she gets outside, she sees Steve fall into a river. And then she sees Bucky jump after him.

"What are you doing?"

It's quiet. To herself.

She runs, very slowly and unsteadily, to the river, looking through the treeline for them. She sees Bucky pull Steve from the water and walk into the forest, and she runs through the trees to find him.



A/N - this is only going to be around 13 chapters (maybe more), and I'm not happy with that. But, it's the way my writing is, I guess. I might change a few things in editing before I post the chapters I wrote just now (like most of them I wrote in 2 days, the time I've writing this being the second day), and before I post them I'll edit and go through them, but that might not extend the chapters, depending on how I edit them. I do plan to write a second story based on Civil War, which I like A LOT more than The Winter Soldier, so that will be there and possibly have more chapters. I'm writing this the day I posted the SECOND CHAPTER, so it'll sit in my notes for a few weeks, which gives me time to lengthen chapters, which allows me to split them up more.

EDIT: was able to stretch it to 17 with only like one short chapter after the split. 17 including the prequel and epilogue, 15 normal chapters.

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