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Diane lays there, her hand tangled in Mark's hair, faking pleasure. Part of her role meant having meaningless sex with the targets, and Mark was particularly bad at head. He was licking absent circles around her clit, except they never actually got close enough to cause her any actual pleasure. So, she had to fake it. Which was usually the case.

Her dress was hiked up around her hips, her hair disheveled from her attempts to feign pleasure, and her panties were long discarded.

Her phone rang on the bedside table, and she had to pick it up. For one, it would get her out of this horrible oral sex, and two, it was HYDRA calling.

She quickly reached for her phone before the contact could be read and presses it to her ear, changing languages so that Mark wouldn't understand the conversation and whoever was on the other end of the phone at HYDRA would.

"What? I'm in the middle of something."

Mark looks up at her, stunned that she could just stop in the middle of what they were doing for a call. So, she presses her hand to the phone and becomes the ditzy Jennifer he thinks she is, "Sorry, work," and goes back to the phone call.

As she's on the phone, Mark decides to mess with her and keep giving head, thinking she truly liked it. Except this time, when he was getting his tongue in place he flicked her clit in a truly pleasing way, causing her hips to buck.

She looks at him and he grins, going back to the simple circular strokes that don't do anything for Diane.

She goes back to the phone, her primary focus back on what she was being told. Winter Soldier this, Winter Soldier that.

"Consider your current mission over."

She sits up, pulling herself away from Mark, surprise on her face, "What?"

There's a sigh on the other side of the phone, "Your mission is over. Come back to base as soon as possible."

The phone hangs up before she can protest and she looks at Mark.

"I have to go."

"What? Why?" He looks at her incredulously, sitting up himself.

She shrugs, looking around the room for her panties.

"I was just eating you out and you're going to leave?"

She finds her panties, pulling them on and tugging her dress down, "Yeah. It's a... family thing."

"Oh. Is everything alright?"

She nods, putting her shoes on. She slides her phone into her clutch, starting for the door.

"Okay then. Bye?"

She starts walking backwards, waving to him and walking out the door.


A/N - so I had an idea to START the chapter but no idea on how to finish it, so this sucks ass towards the end/all of it. It gets better (hopefully)

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