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Diane wakes up to the car stopping and she looks up out of her window, seeing that they're at a small gas station. She rubs her eyes, adjusting her position in the seat.

She was alone in the car. Sam was putting gas in it and Steve was somewhere with Bucky. She hoped it wasn't anywhere he'd be seen, but she knew Steve was smarter than that. She hoped that Steve was smarter than that.

She opens the door, getting out to stretch her legs. They were after Bucky and she was here with Sam, who she thinks she can trust. Bucky seems to trust him enough, anyway.

"Where-" Just as she starts talking, Sam interrupts her.

"Stretching their legs in the woods behind the store."

"You know, ever since you and Steve got here I've noticed I've been getting cut off a lot. Do you guys not have manners, or is it something else?"

"You got that sentence out pretty easily."

"So it's the manners, then?"

Diane puts her hands in her back pockets, leaning against the side of the gas machine. Sam gives her a look, pulling out the pump and putting it in the machine.

"So, another question."

Sam groans, "Great."

"Is your name like Samuel Billingsley Wilson, or just Sam."

"Just Sam."

"That's boring."

Sam turns and looks at her, "You're boring."

"No, I'm delightful."

Sam shakes his head, jutting it towards the door, "Get back in. I'll go get the guys."

"Yeah, right. I'm going with you."

"No, you're getting back in the car."

She shakes her head, opening the car and pulling out her backpack.

"Absolutely not. Where are they?"

"You are the opposite of delightful."

"You say that now."

She starts walking into the woods, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. She wanders to the right of the store, only stopping when she hears a shout from behind her.

"Wrong way."

She nods, turning around and going to the left of the store, jogging into the woods. Sam eventually gives up and runs after her, getting ahead of her and leading her to where they would be.


"You two best friends, yet?"

Sam shakes his head, sending Diane a glare, "She's annoying."

"He has no sense of humor."

"You're just not funny," he hesitates, standing there, "whats your name, again?"

"Wow, you don't even remember my name? You truly don't know what manners are, Samuel."


Diane looks at Steve, nods, and turns back to Sam, "I'm not telling you my name. You either guess or you never know."

"He'll figure it out."

Diane shrugs, walking over to Bucky. She mumbles, "They aren't horrible company."

Bucky nods, grazing her knuckles with his before walking forward, "We should go."

"Yeah. I called in a few favors, got some more people on our side."

Diane looks at Steve with a small smile, "That's good."


A/N - I have the sudden inspiration to write one where the mc is an Avenger and not HYDRA. It's not sudden I just watched Age of Ultron for the first time (my first marathon I skipped it because it didn't have Bucky in it. Don't know what the hell I was thinking) and now the urge to allow a traumatized main character a family dynamic (at the safe house) even for a few hours before parts where she can be happy before the parts with Bucky because that would be nice. And also there are more Avengers scenes than Bucky scenes (which is ridiculous because Bucky is arguably the man and deserves ALL the screen time) and that would mean more material for my writing to be based off of.

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