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Diane wakes up to the sound of the door opening. She sits up, rubs her eyes, and groans out, "Again, Stark?"

"I'm not Stark."

"Oh, Steve. You're way better than Stark, actually."


Diane nods, walking to the glass, "So?"

"Escape plan."

Diane claps, "Yay."

"Can you do it quicker, please?"

It was Wanda. Steve worked and unlocked all the cells, and Diane stepped out of hers, stretching. Why didn't she stretch in her cell? She doesn't know.

She walks over to Wanda, undoing the straps, "Is there something under this?"

Wanda nods and Diane helps her out of the straight jacket, revealing a normal version of the uniform top underneath.

"There," Diane smiles at Wanda, who thanks her.

"I don't like the fact you two are nice to each other, it unsettles me."

"Sam, she's nice to everyone."

"Diane, you aren't nice to everyone. That's the unsettling part."

"Sam, I'm not nice to you. Because you're impertinent. If you weren't, I'd be nice to you. But we can't all get what we want, can we?"

"Stop bickering so we can get back to the Quinjet and go to Wakanda."

"Yeah, so, Cap, they want me dead."

"Trust me. Things have changed."

"If you're wrong, I'll haunt you."

Steve chuckles, leading them to a Quinjet where Natasha and Bucky are waiting.


Diane hesitates when she sees Natasha. She gets in the Quinjet, but she stays near Wanda, who sits a seat away from Bucky.

She's thankfully able to sit between Bucky and Wanda. She trusts Wanda, now. And she's trusted Bucky for a while, now.

Her last experience with Natasha wasn't pleasant. Diane broke Natasha's nose. So Natasha broke Diane's. And then Natasha shot Diane. And now they had the pleasure of sitting across from each other in the Quinjet.

Diane nods her head in awkward greeting, "Sorry about your, uh," Diane scratches her nose, averting her eyes. Natasha nods.

"Sorry for shooting you."

"She was the one who shot you?"

Diane looks at Bucky, "Yeah."

"It wasn't a good shot."

"Bucky," Diane shakes her head.

"I wasn't aiming to kill her, just... hurt her."

"Thanks for that, really. I'm glad I'm not dead."

Natasha nods, doing her own thing, starting her own conversations. Diane turns in her seat, pulling Bucky's side, "What happened?"

"Stark. Blew it off."


She takes the metal stump in her hands, gently holding it and looking at the jagged edge from the blast.

"Are you okay?"

He nods, moving his stumped arm in her grasp.

"We'll figure something out."

"I remember saying that about the apartment. And we never did."

"I promise. For real."

He nods, kissing her forehead. She keeps looking at his new stump.

"At least the star is gone."

He nods, "Yeah."

"But it's a wiry jagged metal mess."


"This we can get fixed. We can get it rounded out."

"We don't have to think about it just yet, though."

Diane nods, settling back in her seat. Bucky does the same, resting his hand on her thigh.

She leans up to whisper in his ear, "What I heard was right, Wanda is really sweet."

Bucky smiles, planting a kiss on her temple.


A/N -  the pookies are pookie-ing and I love the pookies and have I mentioned the pookies yet? Anyway if he grabbed my thigh with his only hand or kissed my forehead or kissed my temple or smiled at me or looked at me I'd melt on the spot. He is the calcium my bones feed off of he is the heart that pumps my blood he is the brain that controls my thumbs as I type this in my notes app *BIG GASPED INTAKE OF BREATH* I need him so badly.

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