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"So, I went shopping, but I didn't realize until after I got home that I didn't buy any apples or anything. At all. So I'll have to go back out sometime for you."

"That's okay," he places his hands on her hips, kissing her.

"I did something good?"

He shakes his head.

"I did something bad."

He shakes his head again.

"I did something?"

He shakes his head, picking her up and putting her on the counter, kissing her again.

One hand is on his shoulder, the other holding his cheek. When the kissing starts to travel down her neck, her head lolls backward, and her hand moves to the back of his head and not his cheek.

His hands drop to her thighs, and he sucks on her neck lightly. She lets out a breath, gripping his hair.

His hands move to pull at her shirt, and she raises her arms, letting him take it off. He stops and looks at her when he sees the lingerie, and she blushes, "Nothing else was clean."

He smirks, unclasping it and tossing it to the side, "I'll do the laundry later." He kisses down her shoulder, and she nods.

She pulls at his shirt, pushing his head away so she can tug it off. He picks her up again, walking her to the mattress across the room.

They kiss for a while before she unbuttons her jeans, placing them next to the bed and straddling him. She unbuttons his jeans, pulling them down to his knees, his boxers following.

She kisses him again while pulling off her panties.

She lowers her hips, letting out a moan as she does so. Her hands are planted on his chest, her knees against the mattress. His hands are gripping her hips, guiding them up and down repeatedly. The metal is cold on her skin, but with the amount of head coming from her body it was barely noticed.

She lifts her hips, drops them, lifts them, drops them, moaning every time. At some point she stopped moving herself, breathing heavily, and he had to slide his hands under her thighs to pull her up and drop her. After a while, her hips buck towards him, she lets out a whine, and she finishes, collapsing on his chest.

While she's recovering, he flips them around so he's on top and keeps thrusting. He thrusts until he becomes sloppy and has to pull out, finishing all over her chest and stomach.

They're breathing heavily, and he kisses her forehead and her cheek before getting up, grabbing a paper towel, and cleaning her stomach, throwing the towel away and laying down next to her.

He pulls her to him, pulling the sheet and blanket over them both and kissing the top of her head. She falls asleep quickly, and he follows.


A/N - smut but it's between two hotties who love each other 😱I forgot I made this a smut chapter too but 🤷 in the next one there's only 2 smut chapters through every 5 movies. Then also I'm doing 2 chapters a day so I can get this over with

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