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When Diane wakes up, she's in a chair in a plexiglass box. She squirms a bit, pulling at the metal straps. Her ankle hurts. Her forehead hurts, and there's still dried blood on the side of her face.

"Couldn't even get a fucking face wipe."

The room is empty except for a table in front of her, which had no one there. The lights were an annoyingly bright white, and she had to squint.

"This chair isn't comfortable!"

She yells, knowing that there are probably cameras trained on her 24/7. Hopefully someone would hear her.

After a while, she hears screaming. A man screaming. There's loud bangs, and the same man groaning and yelling. She fights against the restraints, the metal pressing harshly against her ankle. The way her torso was twisting as she squirms, causing her ribs to ache.

"What the hell is going on!"


A blonde girl walks in, looking around and walking to her box. She was pretty. She had a strong jaw and sharp eyebrows.

She pulls out a string of keys, rushing to try multiple on the lock. "I'm Sharon. We're gonna have to go get everyone's gear after this, your backpack included. We're meeting Steve, Sam, and Bucky under a bridge. I'll drop you off with them."


After a while of trying and dozens of keys, she finally finds the right one and opens the door. When she gets in, she's able to open the straps. Diane immediately stands, wiping at the dried blood on her face.

Sharon leads her out of the building and into a storage area, where she grabs her backpack immediately. They both haul the confiscated gear to the trunk of her car and Diane gets in the passenger seat, her backpack at her feet.

She pulls the first aid kit out of her bag, pulling out alcohol wipes. She pulls down the shade from the roof of the car, looking in the mirror to wipe the blood from her cheek.

She puts everything away, zipping her bag and sitting back. Sharon had started driving in silence.

Diane stares out the window, and when they enter a tunnel she shifts in her seat.

"Anything still hurting you?"

She looks at Sharon, "Hm?"

"You got pretty messed up back there. Anything still hurt?"

Diane shrugs, "My ankle a bit."

Sharon nods, turning a corner and slowing the car. She looks back out the window, "There might be an ace bandage in the first aid kit in my trunk. I'll look when we get to the bridge."


When they get to the bridge, there's an old black buggy looking car, "The fuck is that?"

"I don't know."

Sharon gets out and Diane follows, pulling her backpack out. She shakes her head looking at the buggy and walks over, opening up the door to the back seat.


"He won't move his seat up."

"Bucky. The last thing on our list of worries right now should be whether his seat moves up or not."

There's an 'mhm' from the front seat and Bucky slides against the opposite door, letting Diane in.

"Are you okay? Physically?"

Bucky nods and she lets out a relieved sigh, settling in the cramped car.


A/N - oh, the pookies? Yeah they're back together again. These ch are incredibly short so I'm doing 3 or 4 today

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