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She doesn't feel him get up. She's fast asleep, and she doesn't wake up until she smells food.

She rubs her eyes, yawning, and sits up.

"You've, uh, got something there."

He gestures to her chest, and she looks down, immediately grabbing the sheet and pulling it up, "Thanks. What are you making?"

"Eggs. We don't have much."

"I'll go to the store later."

He scoops the legs onto a plate, bringing it to the mattress and handing it to her. She takes it, eating the eggs.

All they had was paper plates and plastic cutlery. It had been two years since they moved in, but they still hadn't made it nice. It was home, but it wasn't pretty.

The tile behind the sink has been chipping since they moved in. The water stains on the walls and ceilings have only gotten worse since they started using the sink.

They only had two rooms. The main room and the bathroom. The bathroom was an entirely different story. It stinks. No matter what Diane does, she can't get the smell to go away.

Their mattress was on the ground, their couch was lopsided, and the cushions had broken springs. Their shelves were almost broken.

They desperately needed a new fridge, their faucet drips every second of every day, and it takes twice as long to boil water on their stove as it does outside in the sun.

They were in hiding, and for a hiding spot, it was nice. But in no way was it ideal.

He brings his plate to the mattress, sitting next to her. He was shirtless, which wasn't a problem to Diane. She scoots closer to him, leaning against him while she eats.

He kisses the side of her head and eats his own food.

When they both finish eating, he takes the plates and forks, throwing them out.

"If we weren't on the run, I'd pay for a new sink. And a new stove. And new tiles and wallpaper, and someone to fix the damn bathroom."


He shrugs, leaning up against the counter.

"The farmers market opened. Down the street."

Diane smiles, "You want to go?"


She just looks at him. When he doesn't change his answer, she changes her tone, "James."

"Okay, maybe. But not right now. We can go later."

"Okay." She smiles, lying back down on the mattress.

"I'm gonna go get those fruits."

"You want to go to the farmers market."

"And more newspaper for the windows," he doesn't answer her, instead pulling on his shirt.

"Why do you like fruit so much? Is there a particular reason?"

He shrugs, "Tastes good."

She hums, smiling at him as he walks out.  She lays back on the bed, wiping her cheek and closing her eyes.


A/N - the man likes his fruit. I almost lost my wattpad account I was so scared and customer support wasn't helping (they were really nice it was just their suggestions weren't working) and I was STRESSED

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