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Her cell in this prison was luxury compared to her room when she was in HYDRA. And it was a little better than her apartment with Bucky, although that place was homey and it was hers with Bucky.

Here, she was in a blue uniform in a cell with a padded cot and blinding white lights. But, the cot was somewhat comfortable. And she had it better than Wanda, who was put in a literal straight jacket.

At least it was quiet. Somewhat. Sam didn't really talk, which meant he didn't aggravate Diane, which means she doesn't argue with him.

The only people who really talked were Clint and Scott. And if they weren't talking to each other, they didn't get an answer.

Diane spent half of her time wondering if Bucky was okay and the other half trying not to say anything and start an argument with Sam. Even though she wanted to so bad.

"Anyone want to play hangman?"

Diane looks across the room through the bars and plexiglass at Wanda's cell, despite Scott being the one who spoke, "How are we supposed to play hangman with no paper?"

"I don't know, I'm just bored."

"We could tell each other stories. Funny ones, not stupid ones."

Diane shrugs, "Sometimes, Sam, stupid stories are funny stories."

Wanda sees where the conversation is going, so she interjects, "What kind of stories?"

"Funny ones."

Diane speaks at this, "One time I was at a farmers market back in Bucharest. This kid was jumping up and down. He hit like 13 people,"

"This is a stupid story," Sam interrupts.

"Let me finish, Pigeon."

"Diane," Wanda's tone was annoyed, and one thing Diane didn't like doing was annoy Wanda. She actually liked Wanda.

"Okay, sorry. But he ended up tripping and falling. He didn't get hurt, but it was funny seeing him jump up and down and trip following his mom."

"Okay, that is kind of funny."

"Thank you, Sam."

"I wonder where they took our stuff," Diane leans her head against the wall, staring at the ceiling.

"Probably some security room," Clint leans against the bars to his cell.

"So, Diane. What was it like being in... you know."

"Sam, really?"

"Can't I be curious?"

Diane sighs, "It was horrible. I didn't make my own choices. Did you guys ever hear about that guy, Richard something or other?"

"Richard Lawson?"

"Yeah, him. I was given a fake name, hired as his new secretary, and then later on I had to pretend to be into him so that he'd sleep with me, get attached, and give me files. And then I was the one who killed him."

"You killed Richard Lawson?"

"Don't use that tone, Clint. If they brainwashed you or whipped you when you disobeyed, you would've killed him, too."

"Woah, Diane, they whipped you?"

"Yeah. They wiped Bucky's memories. Sometimes, they'd wipe him and then put him in temporary cryosleep for a while. It wasn't a good time."


A/N - the return of the short chapters. I actually think these ate my favorite even though they suck too, but I think they're nice bc of the interactions yk

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