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Punishment is always nice.

He gets the easy way out. Light sedation and semi-painful memory wiping.

She doesn't.

She gets stripped, gets her wrists bound to two poles, and gets whipped repeatedly until they think she's forgotten or too scared to ever do or speak of the offense again.

In this case, they repaired her nose, stripped her, bound her, and had been whipping her for 25 minutes. All because he knew his name was Bucky.

She screamed. Of course she screamed. They just wanted her to never use that name around him. If he remembered, he'd rebel, and they'd lose their best asset.

So, she was bleeding from multiple gashes on her body, her nose taped but throbbing, her entire body tired and burning from overuse and whipping.

The soldier who was overseeing the whipping hooked a finger under her chin, lifting her head so she looked at him. Tears were streaming down her face.

She could take a lot, but a multitude of constant, unpaused whippings over the span of 25 minutes made her body cry, whether she liked it or not.


She lets out a relieved, shaky breath, her entire body relaxing as the whipper leaves the room. She was expecting to be unbound. Dragged back to her room, bleeding in the nude as always.

But this time, she remained bound. Waiting for something. Someone. She doesn't get the relief of going back to her room and caring for the cuts she can reach.

He walks in. His stupid face. His stupid posture. His stupid suit.

"How much do you remember?"

She forces herself to look up at him, "Nothing."

He shakes his head, "Don't lie. How much?"

"All of it."

"And how much will you tell him?"

Her head is pulled back up to look at him, "None of it."


Her head is dropped, and she can see his feet walk away. Soon after, she's let out of the chains and dragged back to her room. She scrambles to try and stand but fails every time, falling back onto the ground.

She's pushed into her room, and she pulls clothes from her dresser. She had only been whipped on her back today, so she would sleep on her stomach. She couldn't clean the cuts, so she settled for just getting dressed and going to sleep. It was... a painful sleep.

Any time she moved, her shirt pulled at the cuts. They had started to scab over, the shirt sticking to them, so when the shirt pulled away from them, it pulled the scab off. This woke her up almost always, which made her already bad sleep even more restless and only exhausted her more.


A/N - I feel so bad for writing this. I love her so much. Anyway, I was gonna try to post each chapter at 10 A.M. on Saturdays, but most of the time, I forget. Plus, my editing process takes kind of a while, and I don't go in and edit until after when I'm about to post the chapter. I edited it immediately prior to posting. I already have all the chapters of this one to the complete and decided end, so there isn't much for me to other than edit and post.

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