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"More specific, Steve. Do you know where we're going?"

Diane had asked the most simple question you can ask when in the car with someone, and Steve replied with a lowsy, "Somewhere."

So, she had to ask countless questions for him to answer her, "An airport. A German airport."

"You could've just said that in the first place and you wouldn't be annoyed with me right now."

"Actually, if you-"

"Sam, this is a conversation between me and Mr. U.S.A, not a pigeon."

Sam glared at her. So far, the two had not gotten along at all. Whether that was because Sam was stubborn and rude or if Diane was unlikeable, Diane was leaning toward the first option.

"Can we all please be nice to each other? For the rest of the car ride, at least. Then there'll be more people to talk to, and you guys won't have to argue. About everything."

"It's not my fault he's impertinent."

"I am not impertinent!"

Diane scoffs, "You don't even know what impertinent means."

"Rude. It means rude, Diane."

"I have 3 guns in my backpack and all the ammo a girl could ever need, Wilson."

Bucky shoots her a look at this, and she throws up her hands with a shrug, "I'm not the problem here."

"You aren't the solution, either. Just stop looking at him so you don't feel the need to pick on him."

Diane huffs, knowing that Bucky has a point. So, she drops the argument and stares out the window.

"So, are you two dating?"


He raises his hands, "Just asking! God. Didn't have to team up on me."

"Get me out of this smaller than average car," Diane puts her hands together in mock prayer, speaking I'm a hushed tone.

"So, based on your guys' reactions, you are dating."

Bucky pinches the bridge of his nose, "At this point, you're just antagonizing her. I can't even defend you anymore."

"I can't stand him. Can't he just fly away?"

"He can't just fly away, Diane- we're in a moving vehicle."

"Like that's ever stopped you from getting out. I was on that highway fight, too, he literally jumped out of a spinning car and like rolling-pirouetted into the bridge border."

"We're almost there, can you guys just be quiet for a little longer? Just don't talk at all, so that nobody triggers the domino effect that is every conversation with you two."


Steve, Sam, and Bucky get out of the car, but Bucky just stands by the opening with the door open. She pulls her backpack up onto her lap, checker her guns and ammo. Then, she opens the door, getting out and rounding the car to Bucky's side.

She nudges him with her shoulder, giving him a smile, "It's not so bad."

"We're on the run again, Di."

"At least we aren't separated, I guess. And we have help."

She gestures to the group of people, Sam, Steve, a random guy she's never seen before, Wanda Maximoff, and Clint Barton.

"And one of them is super dangerous but also super sweet."

"From what you've heard."

"Better than hearing that she's rude."

He shrugs, "We should get moving."

"Got a chopper lined up," There's a few glances between the group.

"Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren."


Diane straightens, walking towards the group, "They're evacuating the airport."



"Suit up."

Diane rolls her eyes, mumbling "Suit up," under her breath in a high pitched voice.


A/N - I want her and Wanda to be besties ngl but Civil War is as far as Diane is gonna go (the story).

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