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They walked from their camp in Maine to Canada, where they were able to get on a ship from Canada to France. They walked through France to Germany, and their plan was to go through Austria to Hungary, and then Romania, where they would settle in Bucharest.

"If I can read a map right, we're in Munich. So we could go through Rosenheim to get to Austria, settle there, and then figure out a route to Bucharest."

He nods, looking around, "I'm kind of hungry."

"There's a farmers market nearby. I've got a few euros I found back in Augsburg."

"How many times have you been here?"


He nods, walking with her.

"When I was 18, I left Austria. Had to travel through here to get to Kölgn. I ended up staying a week or so."


"How do apples sound?"

He nods, and she walks up to a stall, buying two apples and walking back to him.

"Okay, no more. I have 3 euros left."

He chuckles and takes a few bites of an apple, handing it to her, "We can save the other one."

She nods, taking a few bites and handing it back.

That night, they set up camp in a clearing in the woods. They sat closer to each other than normal. One small movement, and they'd be pressed up against each other in front of the fire.

"What is your favorite flower? And why?"

She thinks for a few seconds, "Edelweiss. It's just a calm looking flower."

He hums, scooting closer to her. Their arms are pressed together, and she wants to rest her head on his shoulder. She doesn't. But she wants to.

He leans his head against hers, and she lets out a breath.

"I'll remember that."

She smiles and chuckles, "What?"

"That you like Edelweiss. That your favorite color is blue. That you love animals and had a dog when you were a kid."

"I told you about Benny months ago. Back when we first started walking in Maine."

"And I remembered."

"You did."

He rests his hand on her knee, and she closes her eyes. She falls asleep soon after, their heads still touching, his hand still resting on her knee.


After this, they started getting closer. They'd hold hands and talk more about personal things. They fell asleep pressed against each other every night.

Diane was driving herself crazy trying to figure out if that meant he liked her the way she liked him.

Until they got to Romania.

When they got to Priteşi, they camped in the woods again.

She was able to kill a rabbit, and she was able to skin it and cook it.

"You want some, right? Or are you not hungry enough to eat a bunny?"

He chuckles, picking some meat off the rabbit, "We're getting a rabbit, just because you said that."

She laughs, eating a bit of the rabbit as well, "Needs salt. Desperately."

"It'll fill us enough."

"We're almost to Bucharest. I've been saving every euro I've seen on the street, hunting for food instead of buying."

He smiles and mumbles, "Burnt food."

"Hey! Would you rather starve?" She laughs, hitting him on the arm. "There should be enough saved that we can get an apartment. Obviously, we'd need to get a job, too. Probably work a bit before we can afford rent. But we've been doing good living in the woods so far, we can-"

He interrupts her in possibly the best way. With a kiss. His hand cradles the back of her head, and he presses their lips together. Her breath hitches, and her hands move to his shoulders. She leans into him, and he pushes her to the ground.

"I'm not having sex in the woods."

He laughs, pressing his forehead to hers.

"Got it. No forest sex."

A/N - sigh, scream, feet kicking
A note to the 2 people reading this every week as it comes out: sorry the chapter wasn't uploaded yesterday I forgot - also, I'm not really happy with how this is written and also my oc is like very... not right? Like she doesn't fit her backstory very much and I'm in the process of writing another one that's TWS to Endgame and I'm actually IN LOVE WITH IT and it's so much better than this one, the character actually matches her backstory and it isn't like some sad attempt of making her traumatized, she like fr is traumatized and it shows and gets worse

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