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Bucky walks into their shared home. Or, hut. It was nice, though. Really nice. A lot nicer than both of her cells and their apartment. And they were making it better.

Diane was currently writing something while fiddling with Benny's dog tag. After Steve had gotten them all out of the prison, her bag and clothes were returned, including Benny's tag. She put it on a chain which she wore all the time.

"Hey," Diane looks up from what she was doing, greeting him.

"I have a question. And you can't be mad at me for asking it."


"What if I have them put me back in cryosleep? At least until there's a cure for the brainwashing. So that I don't hurt anyone."

Diane straightens.


"I don't know if I want to do it just yet. I wanted to see what you thought, first."

"Okay. I don't really know. I don't thinks it's all that necessary, I mean when we were in Bucharest you barely had any of it left, and on the bad days, I helped you. You never actually hurt anyone. But if you think you need to, I'd support you."

"Do you honestly think it isn't necessary?"

"Not really. When we were in Bucharest, you really only left to go shopping. But, you never hurt anyone when you did leave. And now, because of Steve, you have more of your memories and your mind back that if you do go out more often, I don't think anyone would happen."

"I had some pretty bad days in Bucharest, though."

"And I helped with those days."

"That you did."

"It's still your choice to make, though."

"I know."


"You could be helping me with this, you know."

"I swept."

Diane rolls her eyes, "That's not helping."

Diane puts the basket of laundry on the counter, "The outside smells like linen."

"Do we have chores for outside?"

"You have chores for outside. I have a break. There's more laundry out there."

"I can't wash clothes with one hand."

"I've seen you do harder things with one hand, go do the laundry."

Bucky groans, walking outside with a pout. She hears him doing the laundry and brings him out some water, kissing the top of his head and starting to help him.

"The rest of it is already folded and put away."


A/N - Diane is happy with Bucky and the story is over and I love him and I'm gonna go write another one even though I've only uploaded 6 chapters of this one as of when I just FINISHED THIS STORY.


Early update to the people reading because this has been getting added to people's reading lists and there's 2 chapters left and I feel HORRIBLE because the Civil War portion is absolute ASS so I'm finishing this so I can start uploading the new one, which I'm obsessed with :) there are no parts I despise because of storyline, I dedicated myself to it SO MUCH and made sure there weren't any plotholes (except for one, but it isn't HUGE, I guess) and I really like it so as of 6/21/24 I'm posting that. The next one to be posted is a Tony Stark kid one I love (I'm still writing it) and then the next will either be an Abby Anderson (TLOU PT2) or maybe a Wanda Maximoff one? Possibly? Maybe even a Natasha one. Idk yet.

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