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When she found Bucky, she had lost enough blood from her nose and the bullet that she collapsed onto the ground at his feet. He had to pull her back up and steady her himself.

She still had her backpack, and she had a first aid kit packed in there from a while ago. He was able to take it out and tape her nose and stitch her side.

They stayed in the woods in D.C for her to heal a bit, and when she was able to walk, they started moving. She was able to go and get them some clothes from a store so they could hide their faces while they traveled. So they were safe while they left the area.

All she could afford was just a few hoodies and baseball caps, but it was enough for them to stay hidden. She had to but jackets as well for when it got colder, which wiped out her money completely.

They made it a few states away before they set up a semi permanent camp in a small clearing where they were currently staying.

It was just a small makeshift fireplace and the clothes they had as pillows.

One thing Diane had learned about Bucky, the real Bucky, was that he liked icebreakers. Any random question he could ask her about herself, he asked.

She took this as his way of becoming friends with her. And she took advantage of it. Any chance she got to get to know the real him she took.

She doesn't know what love looks or feels like, but she knows she loves Bucky.


"If you could go back and see your family and friends again, would you? Or are you happy here, now."

She doesn't even need to think about the answer, "I'd stay. My home life sucked and I left. I didn't have friends and my parents were horrible. I'm far happier here, with you. Why? Would you go back?"

He takes a moment to think, picking at the grass, "I don't know. It was nice back then. But it's nice now, too. I mean, we're on the run, but its still nice. I guess I'd rather be here."

"Really? You wouldn't rather be with your best friend in 1944 when he wasn't trying to kill you, all your other friends? Your family and your girlfriends?"

"I choose here."

She smiles, looking at the ground, swirling the dirt under her index finger.

"With you."

She blushes and keeps staring at the ground.



"If you could live anywhere. Like, any city, state, or country, where would it be? I mean, we know a bunch of languages, but where would you actually want to live?"

He doesn't think this time, "Somewhere in Bucharest. Somewhere nice. Or just somewhere we can make nice."


He nods, "You and Me."

"Is that where we're headed? Bucharest?"

He shrugs, "I'm just trying to get us as far away from them as I can."

"We could figure out a way to make it to Bucharest. Train cars, once we get far enough maybe a plane."

"They'd recognize me."

She nods, "We can sneak onto trains. Boats, we'll need boats. I'll figure it out. Anywhere specific in Bucharest you'd want to be?"

"Just... Bucharest."

"Why Bucharest?"

"Seems like a safe spot. Far enough away from the Avengers, calm enough. Where would you live if you could live anywhere?"

"Doesn't matter. Somewhere quiet. Like a cabin in the mountains, surrounded by wildflowers. Edelweiss, surrounded by Edelweiss."

"Romania has Edelweiss."

"It does."

She smiles to herself. Bucharest sounds nice. Especially with him.

She thought about what he had said. The way he had said it, it sounded like he had thought about it before. Thought about him and her before. About how their future would look. Together.

And that made her heart flutter.



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