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She watches from behind as the helicopter gets... electrocuted? She's not sure. And as the cat guy jumps down to join the not-so-pleasant conversation.

"Not this guy again."

Then Natasha steps up, "Her, too? Come on."

There's a shout from Stark, and Steve's shield is taken and his hands are bound.

"The fuck is that?" Diane squints, seeing the red a blue suit, holding Steve's shield.

"That's theft, so, it's illegal. That... thing just broke the law. Which means I have the right to take him out, right? In the name of the law?"

Clint shakes his head, "But the law."

He shakes it again and Diane shrugs, "At least tell me who tbe cat guy is. And who monochromatic Iron Man is."

"Rhodey," Clint points, "The new king of Wakanda."

"There's another one?"

"His dad was the one who died in the bombing."

"So he does not like Bucky. Or me, maybe."


"You see, I like you. You're nice. Meanwhile Sam is a complete ass."

There's no answer, "Remember to stick to the plan."

"That's what plans are for, Katniss."


"No what?"

"No nicknames."

"But Katniss is a good nickname."

Clint shakes his head for a third time, "Fine. I won't call you Katniss."

"So, do we know why there's a literal child fighting us?"

"Uh, no."

"Good. That's amazing."

"You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us, now. 'Cause it's us. We're a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite. Come on," there was a slightly pleading look on his face.


"We found it. Their Quinjets in hangar five, North runway."

Steve puts up his hands and Clint shoots an arrow to break the... webbing?

The new little but big guy, something Lang, hits the child and grows. People are weird, nowadays. No more normal fighting, there's always some power to go with it.

He returns Steve's shield, says something, and the others jump into action. Diane, Wanda, and Clint run down to the parking lot, running and weaving between explosions.

"You guys I can't really do much," it's yelled, mumbled by the explosions, and Diane looks a little worried. She has guns and close combat.

That's it.

Clint has a million thousand different types of arrows for different things and Wanda has her mind control telekinetic red stuff.

She's the least helpful of them.

"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings."

"Who's Vision?"

Diane takes out her pump shotgun, just in case.

"You locked me in my room."

Oh, damn.

"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you. Third, why does she have a shotgun?"

Diane shrugs, "More fun to play with."

"Hey, Clint."

"Hey man," Clint pulls at the drawstring with an arrow.

"Clearly retirement doesn't suit you, you get tired of shooting golf?"

"Well, I played 18. Shot 18. Just can't seem to miss," he shoots the arrow at the parking garage, purposefully missing.

"Eh, first time for everything."

Clint shrugs, "Made you look."

Wanda drags multiple cars out of the garage, hitting Tony with them, and just before they leave, Diane gets a shot in at his helmet. She did something, at least.

There's an explosion of some sort, Diane doesn't get to see what blew up.

The three of them run around some crates before seeing the Quinjet, "That's our ride."

"Good. Only many, many, steps away."

"Come on!"

Steve waves Bucky and Sam over and Diane runs sideways to run beside Bucky, "Good?"

He nods, "Good."

She nods, as well, and she tries to run faster. There's a lazer in front of them, carving the ground. Diane looks up and let's out a groan, "What the fuck is that thing?"

"Captain Rogers," Diane looks at Steve, "I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now."

"Why does he talk like an 18th century man in poverty?"

Bucky smirks, shaking his head.

"Oh, is it going to be like a frontline Braveheart charge scene? Great."

"What do we do, Cap?"

"We fight."

Diane nods and pulls on the pump, creating a satisfying ch-chk, and she starts walking. Then jogging. Then running.

The people who can fly, fly, and Diane gets a little upset.

"Yeah, just fly away. Because that's something we can all do."


A/N - I love that she's angry because people have powers it's my favorite.

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