Cute Couple HyunjinxReader

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Warnings: Super cute fluff you might feel single.

Authors Note; this was too cute to write. I actually love it.....feel free to comment! I'd love to read your thoughts on my writing. Also if you have any requests, feel free to ask for those too!

(Pic not mine)

Word count; 617

"Whatchya doin'?" You poked your head into your bedrooms to see you boyfriend sprawled out on the floor, face up, arms spread wide, just staring.

"Hyunjin?" You stepped through the doorway.

"Mm..?" He mumbled a distracted response.

Nudging his side with your socked foot, you caused him to quickly look to your eyes.

"What're you up to?" You repeated, still bumping your toes against him.

He grabbed your foot before responding.

"Quite literally nothing."

"Wanna do something with me?"

He looked up at you through narrowed eyes. "What did you have in mind?"

"Let me do your hair-"


"Jinnnniieeee...." You pleaded, shaking your captured foot.

"No, it hurts whenever you do my hair!"

"I'll be gentle."

"That's what you said last time," Hyunjin responded, taking the sock off of your foot and starting to tickle it.

But with no reaction, you simply pouted down at him.

"You're not ticklish??" Hyunjin was genuinely shocked.

You shook your head.

His hand traveled up your leg to behind your knee, trying to get a reaction out of you.

"Why are you not ticklish?" He sounded so confused, it made you smile.

Hyunjin sat up, dropping your foot and instead placing both hands on your waist, not giving up.

He wiggled his fingers and you squirmed, determined not to give him the reaction you wanted. But he noticed your stiffness and laughed.

"So you ARE ticklish!"

Shaking your head you quickly turned to plan B; retreat.

Letting out a shrill shriek as you finally gave in, you tried to escape his arms. But laughing, he only brought you closer, tickling your stomach and neck as you squirmed and suppressed your laughter, face turning red.

"Hyunjin-Jinnie!" You gasped, finally getting out of his grasp and making your quick run-away from him and out to the living room.

"Hey!" He shouted, laughing as you shut the door to the room.

You dove onto the couch covering yourself with a blanket, as your curled into a ball, awaiting your playful boyfriend.

You didn't wait long. His footsteps sounded through the hall as he walked into the living room, and quickly located you.

Your high-pitched scream made him laugh as he went immediately towards you, a teasing twinkle in his eyes.

With nothing to help you now, you kicked your legs out like a child, but it did nothing for you.

"Baby, what's that going to do to help you?" Hyunjin asked, simply grabbing your flailing legs and pushing them to the side as he fell to your side, his back pressed against the couch.

You giggled, smiling as he buried his face into your neck.

"I'll guess I'll stop now," he said, looking back up at you, dark hair falling into his eyes.

Pushing it back, you smiled.

He slightly lifted himself up to lean forward and press a kiss to your soft lips.

"Want to go get coffee?" He asked, pressing his forehead to yours.

You nodded eagerly.

"Come on, I'll carry you," Hyunjin got off the couch and crouched next to it, motioning for you to get on his back.

Wrapping your legs around his waist and pressing your chin to his shoulder, he walked to the door of your apartment, grabbing his wallet and sliding some sandals into your feet before opening the door and stepping out with you on his back into the warm spring afternoon.

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