Part One- a baby? MinhoXreader

90 2 0

Warnings: none

Word count: 387

One warm evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon casting a golden hue over the town, Y/N found herself restless. She knew something was different within her, a whisper of change that she couldn't quite decipher. As she paced in their garden, her heart pounding with uncertainty, Minho appeared, his eyes searching hers with concern.

"What troubles you, my love?" he asked, his voice a soothing melody in the quiet of the evening.

Y/N hesitated, her hands trembling. "Minho, there's something I need to tell you," she began, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

Minho's brow furrowed as he drew her close, sensing her unease. "You can tell me anything, Y/N. We've always been honest with each other."

Taking a deep breath, Y/N gazed into Minho's eyes, her heart laid bare before him. "I'm pregnant, Minho," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

For a moment, the world seemed to stand still as Minho processed her words. And then, a radiant smile spread across his face, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Without a word, he enveloped Y/N in a tight embrace, his joy palpable in the way his heart beat against hers.

Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief at his reaction, the weight of her fears melting away in the warmth of Minho's embrace. And then, as if compelled by an unseen force, Minho tipped her chin up and kissed her with a tenderness that spoke of unspoken promises and unwavering love.

"I'm so happy, Y/N. I want to cry," Minho whispered against her lips, his voice laced with emotion. "This is a miracle, a gift beyond measure. We'll face this together, every step of the way."

Tears spilled over Y/N's cheeks, mingling with Minho's as they stood there, the garden blooming around them like a canvas painted with their love. In that moment, the world seemed more vibrant, more alive, as if acknowledging the new life that pulsed within Y/N.

As the night deepened, they sat beneath the twinkling stars, their hands intertwined as they spoke of dreams yet to be realized, of fears conquered by the strength of their bond. Minho's words wove a tapestry of hope and unwavering support, his commitment to Y/N and their unborn child unwavering

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