Kisses For you BangchanXreader

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It was a typical sunny day in the bustling city when I found myself entangled in a playful game of cat and mouse with my boyfriend, Bangchan. He had been teasing me relentlessly about a surprise all morning, and it seemed only fair to turn the tables on him. As we strolled through the vibrant streets, his pleading eyes kept pleading for a kiss, but I laughed it off, playfully dodging his advances each time.

Bangchan's usual cheery demeanor started to dim as the day wore on, his once bright smile fading into a subtle frown. Concern tugged at my heartstrings, prompting me to question him about his sudden change in mood. "Is everything alright, Bangchan?" I asked, my voice soft with genuine worry. His response was a mere shake of his head, a fleeting glance that betrayed the hidden disappointment he carried.

I knew then that my teasing had gone too far. With a gentle touch, I turned his face towards mine and planted a tender kiss on his lips. It was as if a switch had been flipped - the sparkle returned to his eyes, and a wide grin spread across his face like the sun breaking through the clouds. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer as if he never wanted to let go.

In that moment, the weight of my actions lifted, replaced by a warmth that bloomed within my chest. Bangchan's happiness was contagious, filling the air with a sense of magic that only love could create. From that point on, I made it my mission to shower him with the kisses he had so desperately sought throughout the day.

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