Workout Teacher ChangbinxReader

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Warnings: just kisses;)
Word count: 431

It was a brisk Saturday morning when Changbin, my boyfriend, decided to take me to the gym. I had always expressed my interest in starting a workout routine, and he, being the supportive partner he is, offered to teach me the ropes. As we stepped inside the brightly lit gym, the smell of sweat and determination filled the air.

Changbin led me to the free weights section, explaining the different exercises we could start with. He showed me the proper form for a bicep curl and guided me through a few reps. Despite his patient instructions, my focus was elsewhere. I couldn't resist the urge to distract him with kisses. As much as he tried to stay focused on the workout, my affectionate interruptions only seemed to increase.

His chiseled jawline tensed as he fought to maintain his composure, but my lips kept finding their way to his cheek, his jaw, his neck. I could feel his resolve slowly crumbling under the onslaught of my kisses. A playful smile danced on my lips as his attempts to steer the session back to exercise grew weaker.

"We can workout tomorrow," Changbin finally surrendered, his voice tinged with defeat. I pouted, trying to look innocent despite knowing full well the effect I had on him.

"But I thought you were going to teach me how to workout today," I teased, batting my eyelashes in mock innocence.

Changbin let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head in amusement. "You, my love, are a distraction I cannot resist," he admitted, his gaze filled with adoration.

With a triumphant grin, I looped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a sweet kiss. The clang of weights and the murmur of other gym-goers faded into the background as we stood there, lost in each other.

As we left the gym hand in hand, the sun shining brightly overhead, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for having Changbin by my side. His unwavering support, patience, and love were the pillars that held me up in the midst of life's challenges.

Back at home, we settled on the couch, legs tangled and hearts intertwined. Changbin looked at me with a soft smile, his eyes reflecting the love he felt for me. "You know, I don't mind being your workout partner every day," he said, his voice warm and gentle.

I snuggled closer to him, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath my palm. "I love you, Changbin," I whispered, the words echoing the depth of my emotions.

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