Hospital Bed HyunjinxReader

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In the quiet, sterile room of the hospital, Y/N lay motionless on the white sheets, her fragile frame barely visible underneath the thin hospital gown. Her once vibrant eyes now held a distant glaze as if she was already drifting away to a place beyond reach. The harsh fluorescent lights above cast a cold glow on her pale skin, accentuating the fragility of her form.

Hyunjin, her devoted boyfriend, sat by her side, his eyes red and swollen from hours of weeping. His hand clasped hers tightly, as if trying to anchor her to this world for just a little while longer. He whispered words of love and encouragement, his voice cracking with sorrow. But Y/N barely stirred, her breathing shallow and labored.

Hyunjin's heart ached as he gazed at the woman he loved, her once vibrant spirit now dimmed by the cruel disease that ravaged her body. Memories of their time together flooded his mind - the laughter, the shared dreams, the moments of pure happiness they had experienced. How could all of that be slipping away so quickly?

As Hyunjin leaned in closer, pressing a gentle kiss to Y/N's forehead, he felt her weak fingers tighten around his hand. Her eyes fluttered open, a flicker of recognition shining through the cloud of pain. She offered him a weak but loving smile, a silent reassurance that she was still there, still holding on for him.

"Hyunjin," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I love you."

Tears welled up in Hyunjin's eyes as he tried to smile through the pain that threatened to consume him. "I love you too, Y/N. More than anything in this world."

They stayed like that for a while, their silent embrace speaking volumes of the love that bound them together. Time seemed to slow down, the beeping of the machines fading into the background as they clung to each other in this fragile moment of eternity.

But as the minutes ticked by, Y/N's breaths grew shallower, her grip on Hyunjin weakening. She knew her time was running out, and she wanted to spend her last moments in the warm embrace of the man who had been her rock, her solace in this storm of pain and uncertainty.

With a trembling hand, Y/N reached up to cup Hyunjin's tear-streaked face, her touch feather-light against his skin. "Don't cry for me, my love," she whispered, her voice barely a breath. "I'll always be with you, in every ray of sunlight that kisses your face. Remember me, not with sadness, but with the love that we shared."

Hyunjin tried to hold back the sobs that threatened to consume him, but it was futile. The dam of emotions burst, and he wept openly, his tears falling unheeded onto Y/N's delicate hand.

As Y/N's breathing slowed to a soft whisper, her eyes locked on Hyunjin's, conveying a depth of love that transcended words. With a final burst of strength, she mustered a ghost of a smile before her eyes drifted closed, her hand falling limply by her side.

Hyunjin's heart shattered into a million pieces as he watched the love of his life slip away from him, her presence fading like a wisp of smoke in the air. The room seemed to grow colder, emptier, devoid of the light that Y/N had brought into his life.

But even as grief threatened to drown him, Hyunjin remembered Y/N's final words, the promise of her eternal love. And in that moment of darkness, a faint glimmer of hope flickered in his heart - a hope that love could transcend even death, that Y/N's spirit would always be by his side, guiding him through the darkest of nights.

With a heavy heart, Hyunjin leaned in one last time, pressing a kiss to Y/N's cold lips, a final farewell to the woman who had changed his life forever. And as he rose from his seat, his footsteps echoing in the empty room, he knew that Y/N would always be with him, a whisper of love in the depths of his soul.

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