Part Two> a baby? MinhoXreader

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Warnings: none
Word count: 983

Within the cozy walls of their quaint little home, Minho and Y/N were enjoying a quiet evening together. The soft glow of the fire danced on the walls, casting warm shadows across the room. The air was filled with laughter and love, as the couple shared stories of their past and dreams of their future. Y/N, heavily pregnant with their first child, suddenly winced and clutched her belly.

"Minho, I think it's time," she gasped, her voice laced with excitement and a hint of anxiety.

Minho's eyes widened in panic as he scrambled to his feet, his heart racing. "Time? Time for what? Are you okay, Y/N?"

Y/N chuckled at his bewildered expression, "I think the baby's coming, Minho. It's time for us to head to the hospital."

Minho's panic skyrocketed as he fumbled with his phone, trying to remember where he had stored the hospital bag. "Hospital bag, hospital bag," he muttered to himself, his movements becoming increasingly frantic.

Y/N couldn't help but laugh at Minho's comical antics, even in the midst of her own contractions. She reached out a hand to calm him, "Minho, it's okay. Remember, we packed the bag last week. It's in the bedroom."

Relief flooded Minho's features as he rushed to the bedroom, emerging triumphantly with the overstuffed hospital bag. "Got it!" he announced, trying to sound confident as he led Y/N out to the car.

The drive to the hospital was a blur of tense silence and nervous glances exchanged between the couple. Minho's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel, his mind whirling with thoughts of the impending arrival of their child. "What if I mess up? What if I drop the baby? What if I'm not a good dad?" he thought, his anxiety reaching fever pitch.

Y/N, sensing Minho's unease, reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Minho, you're going to be an amazing dad. I have no doubt about that."

Minho managed a weak smile, his eyes never leaving the road ahead. The hospital loomed in the distance, its imposing structure a stark reminder of the life-altering moment that awaited them.

Once inside the hospital, the whirlwind of medical professionals and bustling activity threatened to overwhelm Minho. He clung to Y/N like a lifeline, his eyes wide with fear as they were ushered into a delivery room. The beeping of machines and the sterile smell of antiseptic assaulted his senses, making him feel lightheaded.

As Y/N settled into the hospital bed, a nurse bustled in and out, checking on her and the baby's vitals. Minho stood frozen at the foot of the bed, unsure of what to do with himself. Sweat beaded on his forehead, his hands clammy with nerves.

"Minho, come here," Y/N beckoned to him, patting the bed beside her. "You need to sit down before you pass out."

Minho sank onto the chair beside the bed, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on him. "I'm so scared, Y/N. What if I do something wrong?"

Y/N took his hand in hers, her touch grounding him in the midst of his panic. "Minho, remember all the times we've laughed and cried together, all the moments we've shared. That's what's going to make you a great dad – your love for our child and for me."

Her words resonated with Minho, calming the storm of doubt raging within him. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. "I can do this," he thought, his determination renewed.

Hours passed in a haze of pain and anticipation, the clock ticking steadily towards the moment of their child's arrival. Minho was a flurry of nervous energy, fetching ice chips for Y/N, fluffing pillows, and offering words of encouragement. The nurses exchanged amused glances at his antics, but there was no denying the love and dedication in his every movement.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the moment arrived. Y/N's labor had progressed, and the doctor announced that it was time to push. Minho gripped Y/N's hand tightly, his eyes locked on her face, his heart in his throat.

With a final push and a cry that echoed through the room, their baby was born. The sound of the baby's first cry filled the air, bringing tears to Minho's eyes as he gazed at the tiny, squirming bundle in the doctor's arms.

"It's a girl," the doctor announced, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "She's perfect."

Minho felt a swell of emotion unlike anything he had ever experienced. He reached out trembling hands to hold his daughter for the first time, his heart overflowing with love and wonder. The baby's eyes met his, and in that moment, all his fears and doubts melted away.

"I'm a dad," Minho whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

Y/N watched him with tears in her eyes, her own heart bursting with love and pride. She knew in that moment that Minho was going to be the most amazing father to their daughter, with his laughter, his kindness, and his unwavering devotion.

As the new family of three basked in the glow of their baby's arrival, Minho's earlier panic seemed like a distant memory. He had faced his fears head-on and had emerged stronger, more confident, and more in love than ever before.

And so, in the quiet of the hospital room, with the soft light of dawn filtering through the window, Minho embraced his new role with open arms, ready to take on the challenges and joys of fatherhood with grace, humor, and endless love. The journey ahead was uncertain, but one thing was certain – he was going to be the best dad he could be, with Y/N by his side every step of the way.

Part three (with the baby!) is further down on my writings; so make sure to scroll on the table of contents! 💕 💕

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