Period JeonginXreader

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Warnings: mentions of pain, but nm to be honest.
Word count: 444

It was a chilly autumn evening when I mustered up the courage to tell my boyfriend, Jeongin, that my monthly visitor had arrived. As I nervously approached him, wringing my hands in apprehension, I knew he would understand. Jeongin was always attentive to my needs, but this time, his response left me pleasantly surprised.

"I'm sorry, babe, but I'm on my period," I confessed, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment.

Jeongin's dark eyes softened as he took in my words, his usual mischievous grin fading into a gentle smile. Without a second thought, he enveloped me in a warm embrace, his arms a comforting sanctuary against the discomfort that plagued me.

"Thank you for telling me, love. Let me take care of you," he murmured, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

I protested weakly, insisting that I was okay and that he didn't need to do anything special. But Jeongin was already springing into action, his determination evident in the way he hurried out of the room, promising to return shortly.

Minutes later, he reappeared, holding a stack of colorful bags that emitted a tantalizing aroma. My eyes widened as I took in the sight - ten different varieties of snacks, ranging from salty chips to indulgent chocolates, all carefully chosen to cater to my cravings.

"Jeongin, you didn't have to do this," I protested, touched by his thoughtfulness.

He simply shook his head, a mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "I know you, my love. And I know how to make you feel better."

And so, we settled on the couch, surrounded by a pile of snacks that promised a night of indulgence. Jeongin wrapped me in a cozy blanket, his presence a soothing balm as he nestled close, offering his warmth and unwavering support.

As the hours passed, we talked and laughed, sharing stories and dreams in the soft glow of the dimmed lights. Jeongin's gentle touch eased the aches that plagued me, his understanding gaze a silent reassurance that I was not alone in my discomfort.

With each passing moment, my love for him deepened, grateful for his unwavering care and affection. In that intimate cocoon of snacks and cuddles, I realized how lucky I was to have Jeongin by my side, a steadfast companion in the trials and joys of life.

And as the night drifted into dawn, the pain of my period faded into the background, overshadowed by the warmth of Jeongin's love. In that moment, I knew that no amount of snacks could ever match the sweetness of his presence, a comfort that I cherished above all else.

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