Part Three> a baby? MinhoXreader

43 1 0

Warnings: none

Word count: 572

The darkness of night enveloped the room like a veil, broken only by the soft glow of the nightlight casting delicate shadows on the wall. My eyelids fluttered open as I was roused from my slumber by the distant sound of a baby's cry echoing through the stillness. It was a sound that cut through the silence, tugging at my heartstrings with a sense of urgency.

Beside me, my boyfriend Minho stirred, his features illuminated by the faint light filtering in through the window. His eyes flickered open as he registered the soft whimpering coming from the nursery. Without a word, he reached out a hand to me, his touch warm and reassuring in the cool darkness.

"I'll go get her," Minho whispered, his voice soft with sleep but filled with tenderness. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, my limbs heavy with the night's embrace. I nodded wordlessly, grateful for his willingness to tend to our crying baby girl in the middle of the night.

As Minho slipped out of bed, his silhouette a dark shadow against the glow of the nightlight, I closed my eyes, willing myself to drift back into the welcoming arms of sleep. The soft sounds of his footsteps padding down the hallway faded into the distance, leaving me alone with the rhythmic rise and fall of my breath.

Minutes passed, each one stretching out into eternity as I lay there, caught in the liminal space between waking and dreaming. Then, like a whisper on the breeze, the sound of Minho's approaching footsteps reached my ears. I opened my eyes to see him standing in the doorway, a small bundle cradled in his arms.

In the dim light, I could make out the delicate contours of our baby girl's face, her features softened by the innocence of sleep. Minho's gaze met mine, his expression a mix of weariness and adoration as he carefully settled our daughter between us on the bed. The warmth of her small body pressed against me, a tiny hand reaching out to grasp my finger.

Together, the three of us lay there in the hush of the night, cocooned in a bubble of love and protection. The soft murmur of Minho's voice, a lullaby of whispered promises and soothing words, filled the space between us, a melody that wrapped us in a blanket of comfort.

As the night wore on, the darkness outside slowly gave way to the pale light of dawn filtering in through the curtains. The room took on a rosy hue, casting a gentle glow over our small family nestled together in the solitude of the early morning.

With each passing moment, I felt a sense of peace settle over me, a quiet contentment that filled the empty spaces within my heart. In Minho's arms, our daughter slept soundly, her troubled cries silenced by the warmth of our embrace. And in that moment, as the world outside stirred to life, I knew that we were exactly where we were meant to be.

As the soft light of dawn washed over us, I closed my eyes and let myself be carried away on the gentle rhythm of our breathing, the faint echo of my daughter's heartbeat blending seamlessly with my own. In that precious, fleeting moment, time stood still, and the only thing that mattered was the love that bound us together in the silent hours of the night.

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