Soaked to the bone Jeonginx Reader

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The rain poured relentlessly from the darkened, heavy skies as I trudged my way back home. Every step felt heavier as the downpour soaked me to the bone, turning my hair into strings of wetness and dampening my clothes until they clung uncomfortably to my skin. By the time I reached our doorstep, I was a disheveled mess, shivering from the cold and feeling utterly drained.

As I fumbled with the keys to our apartment, the door suddenly swung open, flooding the dimly lit hallway with warm light. There stood Jeongin, my boyfriend, his worried eyes scanning my drenched form. "Oh, sweetheart, you're soaked! Come in quickly before you catch a cold," he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me and leading me inside.

I followed him, feeling grateful for the familiar coziness of our home. The scent of his cologne mixed with the aroma of simmering soup filled the air, instantly soothing my senses. Jeongin gently guided me towards the bathroom, urging me to undress and take a hot bath while he finished preparing the soup.

As I sunk into the steaming water, letting its warmth seep into my aching muscles, I couldn't help but marvel at Jeongin's thoughtfulness. Despite the long day at work and the dreary weather outside, he was here, taking care of me with such tenderness and care. I closed my eyes, allowing the comforting heat to envelop me, washing away the fatigue and chill that had settled in my bones.

After what felt like both a fleeting moment and an eternity, I emerged from the bath feeling refreshed, the lingering coldness chased away by the comforting embrace of warmth. I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and made my way to the kitchen, where Jeongin was ladling steaming soup into bowls, a small smile playing on his lips when he saw me.

"Here, love. Sit down and have some soup. It's nothing fancy, just some chicken and vegetables, but I hope it warms you up," Jeongin said, placing a bowl in front of me and seating himself across the table. The first spoonful touched my lips, and the savory flavors melted on my tongue, spreading a comforting warmth through my body.

As I ate, Jeongin regaled me with stories from his day, his voice a soothing melody that washed over me like a healing balm. The worries and stresses of the outside world faded into the background, replaced by the simple joy of being here, in this moment, with him.

Once we had finished our meal, Jeongin took my hand and led me to our bedroom. The bed was a welcoming sanctuary, piled high with soft blankets and cushions. He tucked me in gently, his touch as tender as a feather brushing against my skin. "Rest now, my dear. I'll be here beside you," he murmured, his eyes filled with love and concern.

I closed my eyes, feeling the weariness of the day finally catching up to me. Jeongin slipped in beside me, his arms wrapping around me in a comforting embrace. The steady rhythm of his breath, the soothing warmth of his body pressed against mine, lulled me into a peaceful slumber.

In that moment, as the rain continued to drum a gentle lullaby against the windowpane, I knew that no matter the storms that raged outside, I was safe and loved in his arms. And with that certainty, I drifted off to sleep, wrapped in his warmth and the promise of tomorrow.

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