Comfort Surprise SeungminXReader

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It was one of those days that felt like the universe itself was conspiring against me. Everything at work had gone wrong – missed deadlines, technical glitches, and a demanding boss who seemed to only notice my mistakes. By the time I got home, exhaustion clung to me like a heavy cloak, weighing me down with each step.

As I pushed open the front door, the sight that greeted me only added to my despair. The house was a chaotic mess, dishes stacked in the sink, laundry piled up, and papers scattered across the living room floor. I sank down onto the couch, feeling the weight of the day crush down on me, tears welling up in my eyes.

That's when I heard the front door open and the familiar sound of Seungmin's footsteps entering the house. He called out my name, concern lacing his voice. I tried to compose myself, wiping away the tears and forcing a weak smile as he entered the room. But the moment he saw my red-rimmed eyes, all pretense shattered.

Seungmin rushed over to me, pulling me into his arms, holding me close as I let out a choked sob. His touch was a soothing balm to my frayed nerves, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of emotions swirling within me. He whispered words of reassurance, his voice gentle and calming as he stroked my hair and planted kisses on my forehead.

After a few moments, when my tears had finally subsided, Seungmin pulled back slightly, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I know today has been tough, but I have something that might help," he said, his eyes bright with a hint of mischief.

Curiosity mingled with exhaustion as I watched him disappear into the next room, my heart fluttering with anticipation. Moments later, he returned, cradling a bundle of fluff in his arms. My eyes widened in surprise as he placed the squirming creature gently on my lap.

I gazed down at the tiny puppy nestled in my arms, its fur soft and warm against my skin. Its bright eyes sparkled with innocence and mischief, a playful wag of its tail melting away the last vestiges of my stress and sadness. I felt a surge of joy and wonder fill my heart as I held the precious little being close, its presence a ray of light in the darkness of my day.

Seungmin watched with a smile as I cuddled with the puppy, the room filled with warmth and love. The weight that had burdened me all day seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment that radiated from the three of us.

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