Little help? HanxReader

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A solid form slams into you as you come around the corner.

"Oof-what the heck??" You lean over from the force slamming into you.

"Sorry! I'm sorry, I'm kind of scared I don't know-" the boy stands up, bowing to you and running his hands through his hair. He looks agitated.

"No-hey, you good?" You step forward

"I have a ...psychotic ex running after me." He spits out, running in tight circles before pausing and looking up at you. "Can me for a second?"

You nod slowly, unsure.

"Just, pretend to be my girlfriend for a second? When she comes?" Han begs you, eyes pleading.

"Oh-okay, I can do that."

"Really?" His face lights up. "That'd be great- BABY YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL!" He nearly yells at you.

You look shocked but realize a girl coming around the corner.

He rushes back to you and engulfs you in a hug. You laugh as he rocks back and forth.

"Missed you!" He says a little louder then nescassery.

Taking your part you pull backs a little and place a finger over his lips.

"Shh! Baby.." you speak softly, blushing at your own words.

"Sorry, sorry," he speaks with a slightly quieter tone. "Missed you is all."

You pull him back into your arms, taking note of the way his hand travels up to your hair, gently stroking it.

The two of you stay like that for a second, your face buried in his shirt and heart rate through the roof.

He slowly pulls back, arms still around you, but a smile on his face. "She's gone. Thank goodness."

He looks at you. "Thanks."

You nod, killing yourself inside trying not to blush any further. "Of course. Glad  I could help out..."
My name's Han, by the way," he sticks out his hand and you slowly shake it.


"I guess I owe you now," he laughs softly. "How about coffee?"

"I like coffee." You smile.

"Good. When are you free?"

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