Jealous Bouquet ChangbinXreader

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Warnings: none.
Word count :919

The doorbell rang twice. Motioning for your boyfriend who sat on the couch to stay put, you went to answer it.

"For Y/N?" The woman who stood at the door asked as I opened the screen.

She held a bouquet of white roses, the tips of the petals dipped in shining gold.

"Yes, thank you!" Handing her the cash you'd been hiding in your pocket, you turned to walk back to Changbin.

"This is a prank, do NOT ruin this," you muttered to yourself before putting on a happy expression and bounding into the living room.

"Binnie!" You reached over to put my free arm around his neck. "Thank you so much!"

"Wha-....?" He turned with a puzzled face.

"For the flowers, you're so sweet!" You gushed over the roses.

"What??" He stood up and took the flowers, eyeing them as if he'd never seen a flower before. "I didn't get you these honey..."

You laughed, trying to keep up with your facade. "You're so humble, look at you, how did you know I love the gold on them?"

Taking the flowers back, you walked into the kitchen, setting them on the island countertop.

"Honey, who got you those flowers?!"

Changbin stared directly into your eyes.

"Didn't you?"

"No, I didn't! Who's getting you flowers? They know you have a boyfriend...everyone does!"

His gaze slightly darkened at the thought of someone trying to win over HIS girl. "You know what?" He grabbed the bouquet of flowers and reached for his car keys in his pocket. "No one gets you a surprise bouquet but me."

Saying so, he huffed and walked out of the kitchen, down the hallway.

You could hear the front door slam as he walked out, then the sound of him starting his car.

"...damn....i didn't think he'd actually get jealous.." you spoke aloud to yourself.

Maybe it was a little too much.

But he was prone to being dramatic, so then again maybe it wasn't.

It was about forty five minutes later when you heard the familiar sound of the door opening, Changbin's feet shuffling around and a few grunts before it closed shut again.

"Baby!" He called out. "Where are you?"

"I'm coming, where did you.......Seo Changbin. What the actual heck did you do??"

Your jaw completely dropped in amazement as the sight before you set in.

A gigantic arrangement of gorgeous flowers greeted you. So big, that it nearly touched the ceiling and more then touched the walls on either side of the hallway. In the middle you could barely make out your boyfriend's smiling eyes, peeping through a little window of roses.

"I told you," he said, "no one gets you a surprise bouquet but me."

"Binnie..." you breathed. "I can't even..."

You chose actions over words for the moment and rushed forward to him. Being mindful of the flowers, you placed your hands over his soft cheeks and kissed him.

He eagerly reciprocated and smiled into the kiss at your shock.

As you pulled away you glanced around at the ridiculous size of the bouquet.

"Where are we going to put it?" You laughed, pulling him into the living room.

"That's for you to decide Jagi," Changbin carefully set down the giant vases and gave you another kiss while you stared.

"I've never seen one so big," you almost gawked.

"Well, now you have. Remember, only I can get you surprise bouquets," he squished your cheeks with his hands before sitting back down on the couch.

"Oooohh...." You started laughing. "Oh, Bin."
"What?" He looked up.

"Those flowers..I know who got me those."

"Why is it funny?" He demanded. "And you know who??"

You nodded, trying your best to look him in the eye. "It was...oh gosh, it was a prank. I ordered them for myself to get your reaction."

"You did what?!" Changbin shot up. "Those weren't from another guy??"

You shook your head, trying to calm down your laugh a little bit, crossing over to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. "I'm glad to know that my boyfriend wouldn't ever let anybody else try to impress me though."

"You got them for yourself?" He asked, looking down at you then up to the flowers he was facing.

You nodded.

"What..what am I going to do with you?" His voice dropped an octave, and he smiled as his eyes met yours. "Bought yourself flowers to make me jealous, huh?"

"I didn't know you'd get jealous," you defended yourself.

"Sure you did," he rested his hands on your waist, slowly dipping his face closer and gently pressed his lips to yours, closing his eyes as he brought you closer in his arms.

Enveloped in his strong grasp, you kissed him back.

When he finally broke for air, he looked back up at the arrangement.

"I should go return those now," he let you go, dropping his arms and walking over to the counter.

"What? No! No! Don't do that..please no..don't do that!" You pounced on his back, grabbing his arms and wrapping your legs around his stomach.

"No?" He instinctively pulled your legs close. "I shouldn't?"

"Please don't..." you begged. "I love them so much..."

"If you remember who they're from, you can keep them," Changbin turned his head to smile.

"I'll remember," you buried your nose into his peach-scented hair. "My wonderful boyfriend got them for me, and I love him so much for it."

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