Bubbles and Bliss JeonginXreader

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You sigh as you hear your boyfriend, Jeongin, pleading with you from the bathroom.
"Babe, please come take a shower with me! It would be so much fun," he called out, voice laced with excitement

You hesitate for a moment, not entirely convinced. Jeongin was always full of wild ideas and spontaneous gestures. But there was something about the way he asked you that made your heart flutter. With a smile playing on your lips and a shrug you finally relent. "Okay, I'll join you,"and make your way to the bathroom.

As soon as Jeongin sees you, a blush creeps up his cheeks, and he suddenly becomes shy. "I-I didn't expect you to actually say yes," he stammered,eyes wide with surprise.

You couldn't help but laugh, his adorable reaction so cute. "Well, here I am. Let's make the most of it," you said, stepping into the shower next to him.

The warm water cascaded down, enveloping the both of you in a cloud of steam. You felt Jeongin's gaze on you as you begin to lather up, the intimacy of the moment washing over you both. You steal a glance at him and see a mixture of bashfulness and desire in his eyes.

Jeongin cleared his throat, trying to mask his nervousness. •I'm sorry if this is awkward, but I'm really glad you're here,"he confessed, voice soft but earnest.

You smile warmly at him, reaching out to run your fingers through his wet hair. "It's not awkward for me at all. I think it's kind of sweet how you were so eager and then got all shy,"you tease gently, enjoying the tender moment as his cheeks flush red.

Before either of you knew it, the shower turned into a playful water fight, laughter filling the small space as you chase each other around, soap suds flying everywhere. The bathroom quickly was filled with the sound of good natured laughter, an innocent symphony of love and happiness.

With a loving gaze, Jeongin pulled you into a warm embrace, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm so glad you said yes," he whispered, his eyes filled with adoration.

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