Home again Military!SeungminxReader

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You choked back a sob as you sunk to the ground, back sliding against the wall as you fell to the bathroom floor.

It was just so hard.

And he wasn't here

He wasn't here to gather you into his warm embrace.

Wasn't here to whisper that everything was going to be okay in your ear.

Wasn't here to gently stroke your hair as you buried your face into his chest.

You let your head fall forwards finally giving up in exhaustion, the unwanted tears sliding down your cheeks as your vision blurred. Since when did work get so freaking hard? Why did the world just fall apart as soon as he had joined for his military service?

"Only four more months," you whispered to the empty bathroom. "I've survived fourteen already....."

Picking up your phone you wiped away your tears, sniffling, as you opened it to your camera roll looking at the last picture of you and your fiancée. The photo depicted a very simple image, but it meant the entire world to you.

Seungmin sat, his legs crossed, his arms over yours as you hugged his back. A smile, his smile lit the entire picture, making you smile despite your sad state. The sunshine-y vibe of the photo made you miss the sunshine-y moments that the two of you had shared over the part two years.

More than ever you wanted him back.

You leaned back against the wall looking up at the ceiling dropping your phone to your side.

Seungmin.....hurry back.....

The next moment you jerked your eyes open to the sound of the doorbell ringing.

How long had you been asleep?

Quickly you got up off of the floor, wincing when you felt how sore your neck was from the awkward angle. A quick glance in the mirror told you that you still looked like a mess. Eyes puffy and red, hair everywhere from your sleeping position. Running your hands through your hair you quickly went to the front door and opened it.

"Can I help you?" You asked the man who stood on your steps.

"Just delivering a package, but I need a signature," he said, holding forwards a clipboard.

"Oh, of course," you quickly signed it then took the small package that he handed you.

"Thank you, have a good day ma'am." The package deliverer turned and walked to his truck parked near your house as you turned and walked back through the door.

Absentmindedly you grabbed a pair of scissors to open the package.

"What...?" You were slightly confused to the slip of paper the box held.

Baby, I hope you read this as soon as you got it, otherwise I'm not sure what I'm going to do. But, can you do me a favor and look outside the back window?
-Your Seungmin

"Oh my gosh," you breathed. "What did he do?"

You ran to the sliding glass doors at the back of your house, curiously looking out of them. The sun was just starting to set, a golden light settling over your backyard.....but settling mostly on one thing.........

"Seungmin-" you choked, undoing the latch as fast as you could and flying out of the house to the waiting man.

"Y/n!" He opened his arms wide to catch you as you flew to him.

When you reached him, he pulled you impossibly close, his hand on the back of your head, you pressing forwards into him as much as you were able.

"Seungmin..." you whispered. "I missed you so, so much.....I needed you.....and you weren't there..and I-" you stopped due to the wave of emotions you felt rolling through your body as tears streamed freely down the both of your faces.

"It's okay Y/N, I'm here now. I've got you," Seungmin gently pulled back looking into your eyes.

"How...?" You asked, wrapping both your arms around his neck.

"Long story," he smiled. "I'll tell you later..but I'm here now. And I missed you so much."

"Oh Minnie....." you looked up at him.

He pulled your head closer to his and pressed his lips against yours, pouring out his emotions and feelings into the kiss, a kiss that showed how much he truly missed you. Missed your love and your touch.

Breaking apart he bent down to pick you up bridal style then walked into the house, gently setting you down inside the door before pulling you in for another quick kiss.

"Missed me?" You teased.

"More then you would ever know," he responded, giving you a peck on the tip of your nose.

"You're not leaving again are you...?" You asked, eyes searching his for the answer you were hoping for.

"No, I'm not leaving. I could never," he pulled you against his chest again resting his head on top of yours closing his eyes.

"Did anyone tell you how good you look in camouflage?" You smiled against his uniform.

"I might have gotten a few compliments," he responded, rocking back and forth.

And you stayed like that.

Arms around each other for the entire night, pulling the other as close as you could. Scared to let go that it might all be a dream....that in the morning you would wake up to another cold bed.

But no.

When you woke your eyes were met with the beautiful sight of Seungmin fast asleep next to you, arms wrapped protectively around your waist.

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