I'm an anti-romantic.......? FelixXReader

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Y/N was an actress like no other

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Y/N was an actress like no other. With her graceful presence and undeniable talent, she had captivated audiences worldwide. But when her manager broke the news that her next project would involve starring alongside Felix, her worst enemy in the industry,
Y/N felt a cold shiver run down her spine.

"Not Felix! Anyone but him!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with disdain. Felix, a rival actor known for his cockiness and relentless competitiveness, was the last person Y/N wanted to share the screen with. The thought of pretending to be in love with him made her stomach churn.

As the day of their first scene together arrived, tension hung thick in the air on set. Y/N and Felix exchanged icy glances, neither willing to break the silence that lingered between them. Finally, the director called for action, and Y/N found herself standing face to face with Felix, their characters entwined in a passionate embrace.

The script called for a kiss, a moment of on-screen love that felt like a cruel joke to them both. As Felix leaned in, Y/N could feel his breath on her skin, and she fought the urge to recoil in disgust. The kiss was meant to be filled with longing and desire, but all Y/N could feel was contempt.

"I'd rather kiss a horse. At least I'm getting paid for this," Felix muttered under his breath before their lips met, his words dripping with sarcasm. Y/N's eyes narrowed in response, and for a fleeting second, she considered slapping him. But she managed to maintain her composure, knowing that professionalism was key, no matter how much she despised her co-star.

Despite their animosity, the scene played out flawlessly, each line delivered with precision and emotion. As the cameras stopped rolling, Y/N took a step back, trying to regain her composure. But something in Felix's eyes caught her off guard. There was a flicker of vulnerability, a hint of something hidden beneath his tough exterior.

Over the following days of filming, Y/N and Felix found themselves drawn into a dance of pretend love and animosity. They bickered and bantered on set, their interactions filled with tension and wit. But beneath the surface, there was an unspoken connection, a spark that neither could ignore.

One evening, as they filmed a particularly emotional scene, Y/N found herself looking at Felix in a new light. The way he poured himself into his character, the raw intensity in his eyes, it was unlike anything she had seen before. And in that moment, she realized that perhaps there was more to Felix than meets the eye.

As the filming wrapped up, Y/N and Felix found themselves alone on set, the lights dimmed, and the crew gone. In the quiet stillness of the studio, they stood facing each other, words unspoken hanging in the air between them.

"I never thought I'd say this, but working with you wasn't as terrible as I expected," Felix finally broke the silence, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Y/N couldn't help but chuckle, a genuine smile playing on her own lips. And in that moment, the walls they had built around themselves began to crumble, giving way to something unexpected.

Maybe, just maybe, the pretend love they had portrayed on screen had the power to ignite something real between them. And as they stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the studio lights, Y/N felt a warmth blossoming in her chest. Perhaps, against all odds, their on-screen chemistry had the potential to transcend the boundaries of fiction and spark a love that was destined to be real.

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