Pure love SeungminxReader

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Y/N was a girl who radiated happiness in every corner of her life

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Y/N was a girl who radiated happiness in every corner of her life. Her days were filled with laughter, love, and little surprises that always managed to bring a smile to her face. One of the biggest sources of joy in her life was her boyfriend, Seungmin. He was a kind and thoughtful man who always went above and beyond to make her feel loved and cherished.

One evening, after a long and exhausting day at work, Y/N trudged home feeling drained and weary. As she opened the door to their cozy apartment, a wave of warmth enveloped her, and she was greeted by the soothing flicker of candlelight dancing around the room. The sweet scent of roses filled the air, and rose petals were scattered across the floor like a path leading to the bathroom.

Curiosity and surprise mingled in Y/N's heart as she followed the trail of petals, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten. As she reached the bathroom, a sight so beautiful and unexpected greeted her eyes. The bathtub was filled with warm water, steam rising gently into the air, and it was adorned with more candles and rose petals. Soft music played in the background, adding a tranquil ambiance to the room.

Seungmin stood beside the bathtub, a tender smile on his face, his eyes filled with love and anticipation. Y/N's heart swelled with emotion at the sight of her thoughtful boyfriend, who had created this oasis of relaxation just for her. Tears welled up in her eyes, and before she could stop herself, they spilled over, tracing shimmering paths down her cheeks.

Seungmin's smile softened even further as he took her hand and led her to the bath. With gentle hands, he helped her out of her clothes and guided her into the warm water, the fragrant bubbles enveloping her in a cocoon of comfort. Y/N sank into the blissful warmth, feeling the tension and stress of the day melt away with each passing moment.

As she closed her eyes and leaned back against the plush cushion behind her, she heard the soft sound of Seungmin's voice. He began to softly hum a melody, a tune that resonated deep within her soul and wrapped her in a blanket of tranquility. The gentle caress of his fingers on her shoulders and back sent waves of relaxation cascading through her body, and she let out a contented sigh.

For what felt like an eternity, Y/N simply basked in the serenity of the moment, feeling cherished and adored by the man who held her heart. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, the music wove a tapestry of melody around them, and the scent of roses lingered in the air like a sweet promise of love.

When she finally emerged from the bath, wrapped in a fluffy towel and feeling rejuvenated and loved, Seungmin was waiting for her with a warm embrace. She buried her face in his chest, her heart overflowing with gratitude and affection.
. The simple act of kindness and thoughtfulness from Seungmin had touched her heart in a profound way, reminding her of the beauty that could be found in the smallest gestures of love.

And as they stood there, wrapped in each other's warmth and affection, bathed in the glow of candlelight and the scent of roses, Y/N whispered those three little words that held so much meaning and depth for her.

"I love you."

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