Part Four> a baby? MinhoxReader

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Warnings: mentions of a dirty diaper
Word count: 572

It was a sunny Saturday morning when the inevitable moment arrived. I looked at Minho, my adorable yet slightly clueless boyfriend, and knew it was time to teach him one of the essential skills of parenting: changing our baby girl's diaper.

As I laid out the changing mat with colorful toys to distract our little peanut, I could see Minho's apprehension growing by the second. He stood there, eyes wide with a mixture of horror and disbelief, as if he was about to face a monster in battle. "Are you sure I can do this?" he asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his dramatic reaction. Minho was always the one to make me laugh with his antics, and today was no different. I took his hand, leading him closer to the changing station. "Yes, Minho, you can do this. Remember, you were once a helpless baby too," I reassured him, trying to ease his nerves.

With a deep breath, Minho reluctantly approached our little girl, who was cooing and giggling, completely unaware of the impending diaper change. I watched as he gingerly picked her up, holding her at arm's length as if she was made of fragile glass. "Okay, here we go," he muttered to himself, trying to psych himself up for the task ahead.

As he laid our daughter down on the changing mat, the real challenge began. Minho's face contorted into a series of hilarious expressions - disgust, confusion, and sheer panic all vying for dominance. "Oh my goodness, what is that smell?!" he exclaimed, waving his hand in front of his nose as if that would dispel the odor.

I couldn't help but laugh at his over-the-top reaction. "It's just a dirty diaper, Minho. Babies do that," I said, trying to guide him through the process without bursting into giggles.

With trembling hands, Minho attempted to unfasten the diaper, his movements slow and cautious as if he was disarming a bomb. When he finally managed to peel back the soiled diaper, he recoiled in horror at the sight before him. "Oh dear, what is this?" he cried out, his eyes wide with disbelief.

I stepped in, showing him how to clean our daughter gently and efficiently. Minho watched in awe as I expertly wiped her clean and applied a fresh diaper. "You see, it's not so bad once you get the hang of it," I encouraged him, giving him a reassuring smile.

After a few more tries under my guidance, Minho started to gain confidence. He even cracked a joke or two to lighten the mood, making our baby girl giggle in delight. As he successfully changed her diaper on his own for the first time, a sense of pride and accomplishment washed over his face.

"I did it! I actually did it!" Minho exclaimed, his eyes shining with joy and relief. He scooped up our daughter, showering her with kisses and praise for being such a good sport during her diaper change.

As I watched Minho bonding with our baby girl, I felt a surge of love and admiration for him. Despite his initial hesitation and dramatics, he had risen to the challenge and embraced the role of a hands-on dad with gusto. I knew in that moment that we made the perfect team, navigating the ups and downs of parenthood together.

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