The rogue viltrumite

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Narrators point of view

viltrumite empire society, so dedicated to conquering other planets if they ever landed on your planet, you would either immediately have to surrender, or you would be slaughtered along with the rest of your people

They would just come down and destroy your home if you did not surrender many people feared the Empire there were a few that tried to fight back, but even fewer were able to win

viltrumite We're bloodthirsty barbaric monsters, at least on their side of the universe because on the other side, there was one viltrumite Who did not believe in his peoples barbaric ways, who believed in peace and helping others, and his name was... Alexander Alex, for short

Alex was one viltrumite Who went from planet to planet, helping the less fortunate and bringing peace to countless worlds on his side of the universe while on the other side, his people run rampage, causing wars and chaos

But how was Alex so different than the rest of his people well only he knew the answer to that, but he never told us so it he's almost billion years of being alive. He never spoke of his past all the people knew is that he was handsome and that he was compassionate.

(technically Alexander is, let's say 1600 years old, but his viltrumite is, let's say 21 years old I don't know if that's correct kind of maths for viltrumite age but just go with it)

Speaking of Alexander, he was just finishing up his agreement on an alien planet with two more infections.

Alex point of view

We all sit down at the table and finally talk this out like reasonable people: I understand that both sides you have your conditions to disagreement, but you need to understand you are not going to defeat each other without hurting your people first... So ask yourself what is more important, your dignity or your peoples lives

Both the Kings looked at each other and looked at their representatives, then took me: we agree to these terms... Are you sure this will work?

I am quite certain I've done this 1000 times over: yes, sir, I am so we are in agreement you take the selfie takes the east And if you require anything you ask, you do not rage war, you ask kindly and give something in return is everyone in agreement?

Both the Kings nod: yes

And there is after three days of trying to get him to stop the fight. They finally agree on something, but I guess that means it's time for me to go. Of course, I stay a few more days to make sure that everything goes over smoothly, and I have a delightful visit with the Princess of one of the kings... She and I had a night of passion together, but unfortunately I cannot stay on this planet. It would not be fair to the rest of the universe, the Princess thankfully understood that she gave me one last kiss goodbye before I left for my ship with razzle and hassle.

I pull on the beaches of my pets and my only family: razzle, hassle enough stuff in your face it's time to go

My pets turn around to face me before jumping on top of me

My pets turn around to face me before jumping on top of me

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Rosser and tassel start licking me: ha ha okay okay enough that's enough come on we Gotta go!

Rosser and tassel I don't know what they are really, but I know that they are quite vicious creatures, so you're probably wondering how I was able to tame them. Well truth be told I didn't I found them in a black market sale well over 150 years ago, and the eggs hatched, and they saw me, and I think they assumed I was there mother... That point, we became a family. It was also nice to have them around. I've been travelling by myself for far too long. I had some companions back in the start but well some left me... Some I left behind and a few very few who... Died.

Been enough talking about that, it's time to go bring more peace to this side of the Galaxy. I came aboard our ship. Yes I have a ship, even though I can travel at the speed of light I do enjoy the subtle things of that long journey. Besides it's less threatening to shop in a spaceship, then just coming out of the atmosphere with two very large creatures on leashes

Once the ship is back into space, I go over to my souvenir room where there are trinkets from all my adventures, and I place a new one for this one. It was nothing special it was just a small gift. A little girl gave me as a thank you for bringing peace to her world it was just a toy doll, but it meant something that reminded me of why I'm doing this, so that kids like her can grow in the world of peace.

However, the journey never ends now to find a new place to bring peace to go over to our interstellar map. displaying tire universe at my fingertips.

I turn around to my friends: alright boys where do you think we should go?

Razzle, then pointed with his claw at the side that we do not go to there any circumstances: no, absolutely not you know why we don't go that out their domain... i'm not ready to fight them I'm not strong enough

My boys then dropped in his class and came over to me and started snuggling. My leg steakhouse viciously creatures could be. They had a rather sensitive side, whether or not it was because of a relationship with me I could not say, but perhaps he has a point maybe it's time to start thinking about going to the other side

It's what I've been training for all these years to go to their side, and finally end the bloodshed finally to get them to stop one way or another. Am I good enough can I truly do it I'm just one perhaps I should take as some people say baby steps

I find a plan if it's just on the edge of their side of the Galaxy A planet called earth with a light speed. We could get there within eight days. Of course for Earth's perspective it would be a little longer, but they have space travel for you

I pet my two pets: all right boys, let's get going on this planet called earth... I mean seriously, what's the worst that could happen

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