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Narrators point of view

Eve had called together, her team of Rex explode dupli-kate and robot ready to defend against the alien invasion. However, when they got there, it turned out, they arrived a little late to the party. The new hero unbreakable was already breaking through the invaders defences. Invincible was just staring at him, holding the dying woman, completely surprised that he was taking on an entire army, virtually single-handedly.

Robot : it would appear that we are a little late

Rex: yeah, no shit. Who the hell is that guy? I never seen him before and what about the rookie that's covered in blood on the floor over there do you think they're like a team or something I mean they got the matching costumes?

Eve shook her head: it doesn't matter, we need to go down there and help them

Duplicate look at the slaughter of the invade: who the invaders this guy seems like he's got it handled the whole by himself, he just ran through a tank

Eve: it doesn't matter, we can still help with evacuation, and besides, this guy is a rookie. He'll run out of steam eventually.

The team team jumped down in a dramatic fashion and began helping with the alien invaders, but their help was a little consequence. Unbreakable was tearing through them like they were nothing he was getting shot, but it didn't even look like it affected him.

Alex looked into his left and saw the superhero team. He immediately recognised Eve. He turned his head curious as he thought to himself: Eve is a superhero... But I was under the impression that superheroes wear masks why is she not wearing one?

One of the invaders got behind unbreakable, and tried smacking him around the head with a gun, only to be surprised when the gun snapped into, and unbreakable, turned and looked at him unimpressed: what was the point of that?

The invader terrified, just drugged and threw away his weapon and started running away a canon aimed at unbreakable. He just looked at it, ready for the impact, knowing that we do nothing, but then a pink shield came up to defend him. He turned and saw Eve

She looked at him curiously: what are you doing standing around!

Alex: you did not need to do that I have very tough skin weapons have no effect on me now if you excuse me, I believe it's time to end this

Eve: you don't know that you're just a rookie, you don't understand-

Eve was cut off when Alexander disappeared from you, and all of a sudden there was like a massive wave of power, knocking through the invaders, like they were just toys already throwing back to the portal terrified of unbreakable the ones that remained kept shooting, and following orders from a scarred invader, until at some point, the alien started age rapidly The skin had lost its colourful green colour and now was replaced with a shade of grey as they decayed the ones that were still aging, rapidly retreated to the portal, realising that death was near the scarred one, looked back, one last time, and looked up at unbreakable, who waved him goodbye. He quitted his teeth in anger. As he stepped through the portal and is it closed behind them.

Rex out of breath: I have no idea what happened, but I think I speak for everyone when I say, that I hope that it never happens again!

Dupli-kate: you can say that again. We barely made it out of there and I think it would be a lot worse if that rookie wasn't here, the one in white, how could he move so fast? I didn't even see him did you?

Robot: I did, but only after I slowed my vision by about 300%, and even then he was still a blur

Eve who heard all of this, then looked towards unbreakable, who seem to be examining the rusted tank, she couldn't shake the feeling that she could seen him before somewhere, but she couldn't quite put a finger on where. Before she could ask him, any questions allowed yell could be her as invincible had returned, thinking that the fight was still going on, but was surprised to find that it was already over, but then he saw unbreakable and he became angry again as he charged towards him

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