I'm his best worst enemy

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Okay, before this chapter start I just wanna point out this happens two months after the battle between Omni man and unbreakable also this is going to leave you guys on a bit of a cliffhanger. I hope you enjoy either way.

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Marks point of view

Dammit dammit dammit! It's been two months since they locked me up in here because I tried to take what was rightfully mine! So what I got a little out of hand I deserve it I saved the country from a mad scientist and a comet and this is the thanks I get! Meanwhile, unbreakable probably Getting the parade in his honour it's so freaking frustrating. I was a hero first and he suddenly appears out of nowhere claiming to be my half brother which apparently is true because my dad had a fight with another of his kind and that gave him the right to meet with her whatever

Oh and apparently my dad tried to take over the Earth to give them into the Empire. What's the big problem from what I've heard the Empire has more advanced technology. It could save the world and yet they resist. We are gods to them we protect them and this is the Thanks we get! No, no this isn't right! I should be out there getting praised for saving people not locked out here like some sort of animal. I don't deserve this!

But I can't do anything the rest are too strong. I can't move an inch. I'm not even allowed to eat gets sent in by fluids only Mum come to visit me she's trying to talk me down but I'm not listening to her. Why should I? Why do I need to listen to her at all? She can't make me do anything.

I will get out of here one day and I will kill unbreakable and everything will just go right back to the way it was supposed to be !

The door open I look up and it's someone wearing a hood doesn't look like one of the government and even if it was they would come in with at least three who is this guy supposed to be?

The guy: this is the son of the great Nolan... I never thought I would meet you in such a pathetic state

Who is this guy? Is he trying to taunt me?: Yeah well who are you Mr. Hidden?

He chuckles : that is such a pathetic comeback, then again you are his brother after all I suppose half anyway we're getting off on the wrong foot believe it or not I want to help you

I look at him questionably : you want to help me?... Why?

The guy brings up a picture of unbreakable : because we have a common enemy and I can help you given your current position along with your fathers. I've already spoken to him and he's agreed.

He's already spoken to Dad How he's got more security on him than me and now that I think about how did this guy get in: wait, how did you get in? And why aren't the soldiers coming to stop you from talking to me?

The guy laughs maniacally : oh that's simple. I've put the cameras back to 5 seconds and they constantly reliving those five seconds and since you were unable to move it's practically impossible to see the difference. I've also shut off the motion sensors they've placed all around here when I first walked in, they're back on now, but they won't be able to see me but we should hurry in our conversation. I don't know how long this will hold

Okay, the guy smart I got that but what does he want? And why is he an enemy of unbreakable: you're an enemy of unbreakable

The guy then spins around while laughing, placing his hands on his chest, still keeping his face hidden : ha ha ho I'm his best worst enemy! Me and him we go way back way back long before he came to earth which brings me to my next thing. I'm not an ally of your empire but I am an empire if it means watching unbreakable suffer and I think freeing you and your father is the best way to do that.

Alright, I can get behind that : okay so what are you waiting for? Free me and my father

The guy laughs again and I'm really getting annoyed with how he keeps laughing at everything like a lunatic : oh my dear boy, I'm not freeing you yet. I still have other parts of the plan I need to put in place parts that are going to take some time and freeing you is just a start of the plan but I need the other pieces to fall into place first don't worry it shouldn't take too long another couple of months, and then both you and your father will be free to kill your brother and offer this to the Empire and I will get the greatest satisfaction by watching dear Alexander suffer

He knows him by name who is this guy, why should I care if he's free then he can do whatever the hell he wants: I'm in but don't go back and you'll come back in a couple of months free me and my dad

The hood figure nods: of course I will I always keep my promises however I won't be able to tell you the keen parts of my plan not while you're locked up in here because my time is running out just know that I will be coming back for you, I promise just don't tell anyone I was here otherwise you'll spoil the surprise dear Alexander, he's going to be so surprised to see me again

The guy seems more interested in having Alexander see him then hurting him maybe just seeing him is enough: I won't tell anyone you were here. You better leave.

The guy then bowed as he walked away, but then I remember there's one other thing I need to know: wait who are you?

The guy spun around and spoke as he began to disappearing to the shadows: I already told you, I'm his best worst enemy ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

He then just disappears like he was never here who was that guy and why does he care so much about Alex or rather killing Alex? Whatever it doesn't matter you hear that big brother I'm gonna be out of here soon and when I do, I'm going to kill you and take what was rightfully mine to begin with Amber

And that is it for this chapter who is the mysterious figure that spoke to invincible and Omni man I can tell you this much it's not Angstrom partly because the dimensional event hasn't happened yet yet I knew some of you were going to suggest him so I just thought let's get that out of the way. Anyway, please leave a vote and a comment and I will see you all next time.

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