The hard to destroy a reptile and the shy guy part 1

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Amber's point of view

I am slightly disappointed that Alex couldn't just come to the graduation party but honestly it was more a gathering to be honest just me, eve and William celebrating that we've graduated high school and are now planning on going to college and we are not exactly partying were just hanging out at the mall talking about what were gonna do during the summer before going off to college

William: can I find a reality TV show that I've never heard of and that I hate and binge watch every episode twice that you two

me and Eve look at each other truthfully I had a plan about what I was gonna do when I graduated high school but then I met Alex and suddenly everything just started change I realise that I could bring small change but I can also bring big change as well also an opportunity had just literally landed on my doorstep thanks to Alex

I explain: actually I think he offered an internship now that wall woman's you now back from the dead she's taken back a company and I've been given an internship a good chance to learn how the corporate world works and how to make the world better originally I was gonna do something small-time but thanks to Alex I now see that with the change also comes small change basically gonna be bettering the world

eve: same here well not exactly gonna be helping Alex out with some of his other stuff... Turns out that Alex is quite busy all the time and now that he's been helping out as his schedules has been pushed back and he needs to catch up

William: not to sound mean anything but how much can I could possibly be doing

eve elaborated: quite a lot actually, Alex is the owner of at least seven galaxy wide hospitals he owns 27 planets of which he uses to grow produce which then he delivers to other planets so I guess you could say he is also the owner of the delivery company... Not to mention a shareholder in the most secure bank in the universe that's actually what it's called not making that up and apparently he's had multiple calls for his aid since he's been here... Along with that he has to actually sign a bunch of forms to say that he is legally taking up residence on earth

William looked just as shocked as we were when we found out all of which that Alex does: wow... Just wow! I thought my days were busy way he has just signed papers to clarify these legally living on earth that something for Earth's government or for this intergalactic government that he is supposedly a part of

I nod: year apparently they have a lot of rule especially for someone like Alex mean our planet is a level II in terms of power while Alex is a level X being it's basically like him moving in to what doghouse and yes we are the dogs in a scenario the point I'm making is Alex is a lot smarter a lot stronger not to mention he knows answers to questions we have an even ask yet apparently something like this is rare but the Galactic government needs to make sure that Alex doesn't break any of their laws about sharing technology with lesser devolved lifeforms... Which sounds insulting but it's for our own protection apparently someone broke those laws before and let's just say it didn't end well for either of them

William nodded: alright I guess that makes sense but tell me what exactly is Alex is master plan for her is again stay here forever and protect us

I shake my head: no eventually he'll he will leave but that's like 80 years from now but what he wants to do is try to get earth society level up so that we are legally allowed to join the Galactic government that way we are protected against outward threats more pacifically the Empire or any species like the Empire apparently there are lots and not all of them are following the Galactic laws and some of them even in the Galactic government and do some rather shady deals under the table the point I'm making is if we join the Galactic government we will be protected from most threats

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