You don't give up on family/brothers reunited

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Hey guys, if you don't already know I have another invincible fanfiction one where deku from my hero Academy gets teleported into the invincible universe please go check it out because I think you guys would really enjoy it

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Alex's point of view

With Amber's permission, I went to Cecil to ask him if if it was possible to let Mark go under very strict circumstances, he seem to be thinking about it for the most part especially after I told him that it would be better to have two of us instead of fighting against the Empire because even though I have a faith in my strength, I couldn't take them all at once and Mark is inexperienced if he does changes his ways I could teach him how to properly use his powers

Of course there were others who had a different opinion, for example the immortal who obviously is not liking this idea: this is idiotic! I will not allow it Cecil you cannot allow this. It's insane!

Well, I agree with him on that I tried to illustrate my point: immortal no offence but even if all the guardians were still alive they wouldn't stand a chance against the Empire not at full strength

The immortals turned his attention to me with fury racing in his eyes: how dare you? I ca-

War women came to my defence: no immortal he's right even if Omni man didn't surprise us our chances of victory were very slim and that's just against one soldier of this empire, how would we fair against the rest? Sure their numbers are weak but the ones that have survived this scourge virus are the strongest of the strong I mean look at Alex he is quite possibly the strongest of his species. At least he believe so and if any of the soldiers from the Empire have at least a third of his strength we will lose. I know that this is a risk and quite frankly I'm not a fan of it but we have to put our feelings aside if invincible can become an ally against the empire It is a chance we should take

He still doesn't seem convinced as he crossed his arms still angry at this suggestion: immortal I get it Nol-

Immortal, then let out comment to that instantly made him walk on thin ice with me: don't you mean your father?

Getting a little angry and tightening my fist, but after taking some deep breaths, I decide to ignore it: I know that he betrayed you and obviously that's hurt. Believe me. I know I've been betrayed before by someone I considered a friend no more like a brother however I'm not saying we should release Omni man hell far from it the Empire wants him back for prisoners because they know what he did to my mother and that's obviously going to get him judged and most possibly sent to death and if that comes down to it, I say we give the empire if nothing else to buy us time but despite the fact that Martin did technically try to assault my girlfriend we don't actually know what side he would've taken he found out about Nolan's true intentions... I think it was just on the fact that his ego and pride got the best of him I'm not saying this is a good idea. Hell it's probably one of the worst ones I've ever had and believe me I've had a lot, but it's worth a chance. besides you know Mark as long as you've known Nolan invincible didn't betray you he didn't know what his father did doesn't he deserve at least a little bit of a chance.

War woman nodded: I agree we can't let our emotions about his father cloud our judgement about the son and let us not forget that despite marks behaviour he did save lives when he was invincible if nothing else to gain a bit of fame but still the only person he tried to kill was Alexander and that was in a fit of rage

Immortal still remains strong, but he lets out of sigh: even if I did agree with this how do we know that invincible will change? What is our guarantee that he won't just pretend to act good and then when we finally trust him he'll turn around and betray us

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