An old enemy returns

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Narrators point of view

Invincible had come back to earth after his adventure on Mars, which went less than stellar, but he managed to get all the astronauts back to earth or so he thought at the time, and he was happy to go back to just fighting bad guys on the streets, or at least that's what he was hoping for it turns out while he was away, unbreakable had moved in on his patrol turf

Now, normally, this wouldn't be a problem between two superheroes, but Mark wasn't having any of it so we tried extra hard to unbreakable, and every chance he got when death Canon attacked in the middle of the street. Mark showed off some fancy moves to try to impress the public, completely ignoring the damage that the cannon was doing

Kill cannon shooting in the air, trying to hit his target, while laughing: this time, I'm ready for you invincible!

Invincible avoiding the attacks with some showing off moves while completely ignoring the damage. He was causing this goes up to Kilgannon and punches him into a car. The villain put his hands up and surrender, but invincible isn't having it, and he zooms closer ready to punch only to have his fist court by unbreakable.

Unbreakable : he had enough invincible, plus you have damaged this nice family's car, not to mention the other damages

Invincible : that wasn't my fault, he did it get out of my way copycat!

Unbreakable rolled his eyes under his mask at his little brother: that gun would not have affected you in. Anyway you could've taken those energy beams like a champ. Instead you decided to show off endangering the lives of everyone here

Mark was fed up with this conversation: whatever you don't know me

He then flew off, trying to get away from unbreakable, while unbreakable just sided, and what he watched his younger brother go down and even darker path he turned to the villain: family am I right?

The villain nodded by before he could do anything else. He found it an arm that chopped into his shoulder, knocking him out unbreakable, turned to the family, whose car was just destroyed: apologies for the damages. I' to invincible to make sure this doesn't happen again.

An hour later, at the exact same time, someone was playing a video of that moment in school: oh, my God unbreakable, so considerate he's taking responsibility for something that wasn't even his fault so heroic

Mark heard all of this as he walked to school late as he grabbed hold of his bag and gripped it with his hands so tightly that it almost snapped. He hated hearing about breakable how cool he was, how heroic he thought it was him that they should all be talking about he was the one who actually stopped the villain, but no one was talking about that everyone was talking about how amazing unbreakable was

To top it all off. He saw Amber and Alex together. Alex had decided to walk with Amber to school so they could spend some time together and seeing the two of them together made filled up with rage. He wanted nothing more than to go over there and punch Alex's head to clean off, but he didn't because he didn't think he could. He knew he could, but because he knew it wasn't the right time...

Meanwhile, Amber gave her boyfriend a pic on the cheek: okay, remember look left then right before crossing the street, not the other way around and remember don't use your powers when you're not in your super suit

Alexander: you tell me that every time, and I only made those mistakes... Once

Amber: and once was enough the last time you didn't check the roads properly. You got hit by a car. Yes you didn't get hurt, but you had to disappear because the car now had a giant dent in it, and you were completely unharmed not to mention the time you went into a burning building to rescue people, and I know that was heroic and I'm very proud of you, but doing it without your super suit, jeopardise your secret identity it's not like you couldn't have gotten changed really quickly just remember try to keep a low profile at least for now

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