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Alex is point of view

I tell Amber everything how omni man is my father, how he is the one who killed my family how he is the one that's trying to invade this planet and he is most likely the culprit in the guardians the globes murder she was shocked. Obviously apparently my biological father has been a hero here for 20 years, but everything else matches up, he's got the same powers as me the moustache, the fact that he was the only survivor when the guardians were attacked and the worst part... That I had a half and she knew him. Mark Grayson is his name that is my little brother's name

She calls and tells her to come over. She does so, and I explain everything again. Eve was shocked, but then when she pie it all together, it made sense apparently me and Mark look almost identical. I guess we both get on for our father. Oh God, I feel like I'm gonna be sick all over again

Eve: OK, okay, so a guy that's been pretending to be a hero, for 20 years is responsible for the guardians of the globes death who is also Alex's biological father and responsible for killing his entire family, along with fathering another child here called Mark, who is now calling himself invincible... right off the back do you think Mark knows about why his father is really here

I shrug, I'm still trying to get my mind around all of this: possible, though, I don't think he's trained him. When I first got my powers. My mother trained me to fight just in case and invincible is moving around like an amateur in comparison to what I could do when I was five.

Amber : okay is that a positive or negative because right now I'm going to school with the son of a mass murderer... OK I just realised that technically I am dating his other son but he doesn't know about Alex and he would never do what his father is done hold on a minute. Do you think do you think Omni man knows that Alex is his other son

I once again shake my head, I know that he saw me even for a split second, but there was no recognition in his eyes eyes. He has no idea who I am: no, he doesn't back then 1600 years ago, when they came to destroy my world, my mother hit me away underneath my bed house she spoke to him. She tried to convince him not to do this, but he wasn't listening. He killed right in there while I was under the bed. I remember wanting to scream, but I couldn't find the confidence too I just hit there as my grandfather snapped my stepfather into a toothpick and laughed while he did it. I remember his voice, and I would never forget it as long as I live.

Eve: oh my God... Wait hold on, you said your mother suspected him of cheating in their battle. How did he beat her the second time?

I let out sigh: because there was no battle when my mother realised her mistake, she took a vow of non-violence she was a pacifist. She refused to raise her hands to hurt someone ever again I mean, she trained me how to fight, but she refused to raise a hand against an opponent. Not after everything she had done. My mother was no threat to him but he killed her anyway, and I saw a small look at his face. He was smiling while he was doing it. He enjoyed it.

Amber: oh my God okay okay what are we gonna do now we now know that Omni man is a spy and that he's here and most likely Mark is involved maybe not knowing what he's involved in but he's still involved somehow what are we gonna do

I thought it comes to mind: I must speak to Mark, tell him the truth

I get up to leave, but Eve places a force field around me: whoa whoa, I get it you want to see your little brother but you have no idea what his thought process right now plus what exactly you're gonna say hi I'm unbreakable but I also go by Alexander or Alex for short. I'm your half brother that your father had by raping my mother, he's also a mask murderer of 1000 planets. I don't think that's gonna go over well

As much as I hate to admit it, she's right, even if I did go, and somehow Mark believed everything I told him it would just make the situation. Worse Omni man would just bring up his invasion plan, quicker and he's already capable of killing one of his mates he wouldn't hesitate when it came to his children either.

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