Final round... Fight!/a father found

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Finally, the end of episode two

Eve point of view

I never thought that I would feel unsafe at school. I mean with the amount of security that the school has its a pretty safe place and I have my powers so I wouldn't be worried but now I can't help but look over my shoulder. Ever since Alex told us well, more like told me the truth about who/what he is two days ago I can't help but look over my shoulder. Suddenly everyone is a potential threat, especially people with moustaches because apparently that's a fashion statement in the Empire of course, if there is an agent here, there's no reason to say isn't a woman, or maybe someone who looks like a teenager or a young adult I mean Alex is 1600 years old and he looks like he's only just turned 18

So right now, everyone at school other than Amber is a suspect, if Alex really was telling the truth about his people, it sounds like they're entire civilisation is like an army and obviously an army is got to have spies in it and this would be the perfect place for them to send them. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a human and someone from the Empire, and judging by the sounds of it, these people are psychopath the capable of possibly even pretending to have emotion and since all of them age rapidly slower than the rest of us. Someone who looks like they're 16 years old and going through hormones could in fact actually be a masked murderer pretending to be 16-year-old

Wow, that is creepy to think about, but I just gotta relax. I got to pretend like everything is normal. I don't exactly completely agree with Alexander and Amber's plan, but I don't have a better one not without causing mass panic around the world or alerting the empire that we know about who they really are because that would just make everything 1000 times worse than it already is the guardians the globe are dead and the public doesn't know. I can't think of many superheroes that could stand up to Alex, much less an army of him

It's this kind of thinking it's making me feel so nervous. I can't concentrate on anything. I was heading to my next lesson when I felt someone touched my shoulder and I nearly jumped right out of my skin, but when I turned around it was only Amber: wow Eve, are you okay?

I managed to calm down a little bit as we continue walking side-by-side through the car doors since the reveal about everything. The only person I've been hanging out with around school is Amber. I don't want to doubt anyone here, but I just can't trust anyone right now other than her: yeah, I'm fine I'm just a little... jumpy but given the circumstances about the... "Thing" we spoke about that to be expected

Amber nod: I know what you mean I don't regret Alexander telling me about this. I just wish there was an easier way to tell who we can trust. I almost attacked my neighbour with a moustache this morning Thinking he was someone from the Empire. I'm happy to report that I didn't because I saw that he had an injury from when he cut himself, and seeing how much Alexander can survive without even a scratch, I don't think he was one of them, still, it's getting concerning who can we trust other than each other?

I have to agree with her: I know what you mean, as far as most people go, I trust everyone that's on my team, but I don't trust them to hold this information quietly... What about you?

Amber shrugged: honestly other than Alexander, my parents and you, I don't trust anyone right now is it insane to think that we could just be walking past someone that could be a master murderer on countless planets and we wouldn't even know

Yeah, I know exactly what she means, but I really want to talk about something else: yeah, I guess so speaking of Alexander, how did it go between you two the other night? Did he just help out with the soup kitchen or did you do anything else?

Amber: he did help out with the soup kitchen till it closed, help clean up like he did last time, and then we just sat down in my house and watched high school musical. Alexander was very interested in our culture and learning what he could about it, course, I had to explain to him afterwards that in real life people don't just break into song

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