More than anything

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For the record, this doesn't actually include the song from the other show. I just I've been listening to it a lot lately and I couldn't help myself okay

Alex's point of view

Being back in my ship, preparing for the inevitable day where I cross pass with my father and hopefully not my half brother. It is a difficult challenge. Since it's the first time I thought someone of my own people, but my mother has prepared me for this day, from the moment, I had my powers she told me that The Empire, once they found me they would be coming so from that moment I had to be ready in both strength, skill and smarts now it is time to put it all to the test

Right now, I am designing new armour for war woman to use it's made out of the toughest metal I could find in the universe call it, Vibranium, I found a giant repository of it in a meteorite that was getting close to a red sun i'm also sprinkling it with it with an intentively tough crystal like substance. I went to a planet where this stuff was all over the place and when I punched it it caused my knuckles to bleed. I remember that entire year where I did nothing, but punch that mountain until I made a tunnel through the mountain through the toughest substance side, ever come across in the end, though increased my strength and my durability

I just hope that war woman can use them appropriately she's in my gym right now, increasing her strength, regaining what she lost when she was resurrected, right now, she's using my strength endurance machine where I had a machine, drop multiple weights on top of me, while the gravity increased below me. Obviously she's not on the higher setting, but it should get her strength back relatively quickly so long as she can do it for at least 15 minutes every day

She just finishes up when I walk up to her and hand her the armour: I designed this new armour for you. It's pacifically designed to fight Omni man it's adorable and it's light so you should not have any problems using it.

War woman picking up the mace and swinging it: you're right, it is a lighter, but are you sure it can hurt Omni man?

I shrugged. Truthfully, I do not know.: it's hard to say I use the toughest and most pliable materials I could find in the universe. Then I increased it durability and strength by adding small crystals that when I touch them they made me bleed, but of course that's just me and the man is in the prime of his youth, while I am still in adolescence by my people standards well I am possibly stronger than Omni man he has more experience and he is older

War woman: I guess that's true... Look, i'm sorry about what I said when you first resurrected me, probably not the best way to thank someone for bringing you back from the dead

I shake my head, I completely understand : no, no believe it's understandable I've come across others that didn't trust me because they've heard of my peoples reputation, but please know that I have no intention of doing anything that is remotely like the Empire. My mother and stepfather raised me to respect life, and they taught me that all life is sacred and deserves the right to live regardless of how... insignificant it may seem.

War woman: your parents sound very wise... What exactly happened to your mother that made her have such a big change of heart, I overheard from Eve, that she was the most feared warrior of the empire, to the point, where even her own allies were terrified of her. How could a woman like that change so much

That's a simple answer : she met my stepfather... They had me we were a little family. She learned to enjoy the little things that there was more to life than just conquering other planets trust me. She was well aware that she didn't deserve to feel happy after everything she did why she swore off violence. Well, except to train me because she knew that one day the Empire was going to find us, and when they did, she wanted me to be able to defend myself.

War women: sounds like a brave woman to walk away from everything you know, and to face the consequences of your actions it must've been hard on her

I know: you have no idea there were days where she would just cry regretting everything that she had done. It was scary for me, because from what I saw, my mother was a loving caring and very nice woman, but she didn't lie to me is that when she said that she used to be ....let's just say terrible she never held back when she was telling me the stories of when she was in the Empire. It broke her heart that she had to tell me all these things, but she felt like I had the right to know, and in a way, I'm grateful for that because now I know not to trust anyone from the Empire or at least anyone that was raised in the Empire... I'm still contemplating how Mark fits into all of this

War woman agreed: I do have to agree I've met Omni man's wife, many times. Debbie is her name, and as far as I could tell, she never once seems like she was in trouble or mentioned anything about Omni man true origins is it possible that she was lying to us from the start as well.

I shake my head, that is incredibly unlikely : no I don't think so... You said that you didn't suspect anything even if she did know and she was hiding it from you all there would be something about her body language that would express her true intentions. I think she's truly in the dark about all of this, as for Mark, I'm not entirely sure I've come across him as both Mark Grayson and invincible and as far as I can see he does not like me as a matter of fact, he seems to be interested in being hero solely for the fame and attention so it's unlikely that he's involved but he's still a danger

From what I have seen, Mark is arrogant self-centred, and as Amber said it a complete asshole... While I do not want to harm my half brother it may not be that simple, even if Mark isn't with our father, it's possible that he will become an obstacle in stopping him, one way, or the other I need to prepare for that eventuality and more than anything. I need to protect my friends and my love.

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